May 26, 2018

New to forum, located in So. Coastal Oregon. I got my DW 44H in '95 and have had zero trouble with it, but haven't fired it in about 10 years. I'll take it out and lovingly clean it then think "I need to shoot her" and then put it back in the safe. I decided a deep cleaning, "total disassembly" so I started, and remembered I hadn't worked on it for several years and saw how much I had forgotten (I've worked on several "standard" S&W design revolvers many times, but the large frame DW is way different.). At one time had some paperwork on the gun but I couldn't find it so I went on line and searched and found the Dan Wesson forum. Glad I did as I doubt if I could get the gun back together without the pictorial/instructions I found on this forum. I'll be hanging around now since I got a lot of time...



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February 22, 2009

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February 22, 2009

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