September 25, 2009

Hi Everybody,
I've been reading posts here for a few months, hoping to find a Dan Wesson. I would be happy with several models, and ended up with this beauty:
I am very happy to own it. The double action trigger pull is very smooth. Now I need to work on the single action, b/c it is creepier than Bill Clinton at a Girl Scout meeting.
I am in the throes of removing a stuck barrel nut. So far, I've
- marred the nut and barrel nut tool, and
- tried the threaded rod method, even using lockwashers, then pieces of a cut up latex glove.
No luck. I can't get purchase on the barrel. I did put some Liquid Wrench on the barrel nut threads, too. Next up:
- Heat with a soldering iron, then
- Buy a punch.
After that, it's the agony of going to a gunsmith and waiting a long time to get it back, I guess. Any other ideas would be much appreciated.
What I particularly like here is the members. I belong to another site dedicated to concealed carry, which I go to less and less. The people there get into a lot of barber shop arguments and tend to have a terrible groupthink problem.
Anyway, I appreciate the site and look forward to meeting you. Anyone in the DFW area is welcome to try this gun out once I get this problem fixed.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Forrest- Welcome to DWF. Thanks also for your kind words about our members and the Forum. It's a really fun and supportive place, and the problem members we've had in the past year can be counted on the thumbs of one hand.
Your 715 6VH is pretty much the classic, mainstream Dan Wesson. Good luck with your barrel nut, I had that problem just once (way back in 1978), and it went back to the factory for repair. Did you see this thread:
It discusses a super penetrating formula that may help.
Good Luck and Welcome Home
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

Dans Club
May 17, 2009

Forest to the DWF. Great pic of your 715. I really like the lighting effect. That pesky barrel nut can be a problem. I had to send my Model 22 Mag back to CZ to get it fixed. I believe once you do in the wrench you're sunk. The punch idea sounds scary to me; I'd hate to see you damage the shroud or barrel. I now tend to tighten mine only snug and check it on the range after a few rounds just to see that it isn't getting loose.
Looking forward to a range report. Do you have any other handguns? We love .
with the nut.

September 25, 2009

Well, since you asked....
Here is my PM 9, which kind of surprised me -
Note I'm only at 7 yards, so I'm a long way from being a pistolero. I'm hitting groups at 4 o'clock, as you can see. I don't know if it's a flinch,or just the sights are off.
Here's a gun I don't shoot enough. I think it under-rated. Aka FN-9.
Thanks for the warm welcome. Dan Wesson owners are a different breed. I'm happy to join the club.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Welcome to the group Forrest, cool looking 715 and good luck with the barrel nut. Also I have a nutty idea that may work or may just be crazy. You guys please jump in with y'alls thoughts. Put the gun in the freezer for a while to cool down the gun. Then take it outside quickly and fire a few quick shots to heat up the barrel. I believe the barrel should heat up faster than the heavy shroud and maybe loosen the nut. Or maybe I'm the loose nut around here. What do y'all think?
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

That may work but I sure would hate to stick a torch to my shooter. Anyway my thinking ( always a dangerous thing) is that the barrel is like a bolt holding the shroud to the frame, if the barrel heats up hopefully it gets longer taking the tension off the barrel nut. Then you may have to wait for it to cool to get the shroud off the barrel. I probably am crazy but I figure it would be an easy thing to try. Pop her in the freezer for an hour, run outside and pop off 6 rounds, be SURE she is unloaded and try the wrench. What have you got to lose? Then of course it will depend if the nut is galled to the barrel or just to tight to loosen.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.


January 24, 2009

September 25, 2009

Problem solved !
My good friend Mark helped me out. He suggested I soak the business end in boiling water, then try the barrel nut tool. No luck there, either. I boiled it again, then gently tapped the nut with a 1/16" punch - worked just fine. Note: the front sight insert won't melt.
Seems likely that any DW aged over 20 years will have its barrel nut frozen in place. I do think the guy who thought up the threaded rod solution is brilliant, even though it didn't work in my case.
Steve - thanks for the pat on the back. I like your M&P photo and setup. Contact me if you ever travel this way so we can hit the range together.
Lb and Charger Fan - I appreciate the thought, but live in a suburban area, so no shooting out the door.
Photohause - thank you for the chart. I'm left-handed, so I can switch 8 o'clock to 4.


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Good solution, now you can get busy adding some barrels. I happily shot my 15-2 6" for years, then I got a 4", and a whole new world opened up for me. A DW 4VH is my perfect .357 Magnum.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Great to here you got it apart. Sometimes I tend to forget that everyone can not step out the back door a shoot. Now you have no excuse, so get on the trigger job and work up a range report and some cool pics.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

September 25, 2009

The warm welcome is most appreciated. IMSHA - handguns are a gateway drug to more expensive firearms. I think a 445 might be the ultimate for me because I could go from mild to heavy loads and know that DWs are built to be shot.
Update - I've installed the Wollf springs (with the 7.5 pound main). Also, I polished the hammer and trigger at the friction point.
The SA pull still has plenty of creep, so now I start very carefully grinding a bit. After that, I got out the Flitz and polished the outside.

I'm having a bit of trouble w/ the pics - after the preview, the text and images are not where I want them. Should I ask the mods? Note - I did read the faq first.


January 24, 2009

Forrest said:
I'm having a bit of trouble w/ the pics - after the preview, the text and images are not where I want them. Should I ask the mods? Note - I did read the faq first.
It's not just you. The site has been recently updated to the latest software & there's a few bugs involved with it...just so happens that it buggers up pics & text layout in posts.
So you are doing it right, and when the wrinkles get ironed out, all the pic threads should be set straight.
The gun looks awesome, BTW!

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Forrest said:
The warm welcome is most appreciated. IMSHA - handguns are a gateway drug to more expensive firearms. I think a 445 might be the ultimate for me because I could go from mild to heavy loads and know that DWs are built to be shot.
Update - I've installed the Wollf springs (with the 7.5 pound main). Also, I polished the hammer and trigger at the friction point.
The SA pull still has plenty of creep, so now I start very carefully grinding a bit. After that, I got out the Flitz and polished the outside.
I'm having a bit of trouble w/ the pics - after the preview, the text and images are not where I want them. Should I ask the mods? Note - I did read the faq first.
your SA pull has "plenty of creep"...? That is purely trigger/sear/hammer engagement, which is already pretty tight on most DW's. I barely had room to polish my trigger engagement, yet alone reshape anything. Maybe there is a difference in engagement surfaces. Most of mine have the "glass rod" SA trigger break.
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