December 10, 2011

Hi all.
Making my rounds to some favorite gun shops and pawn shops looking for a used revolver in .44 or .22 on Friday….. A really nice revolver caught my eye……. .22 DW with 6 in barrel in like new condition for $360 plus tax…… I never owned a DW…. Although it looked to be a quality handgun and I knew they had a great reputation in the steel animal world……. I can remember seeing them in the gun shops when I was a starving student in the late 70's and early 80's……. I slept on it and then went and bought it Saturday after breakfast.
What I got…… Revolver in like new condition, foam box with cardboard slipcover. Slipcover has a cactus western scene. Inside the box is the wrench in the factory sealed envelope – never opened, brochures , instructions, parts lists and price list from 1979. Made in Monson, Ma……. Serial number 8201.
From what I understand it could be a hit or miss for getting an accurate .22……but I thought it best to take the risk……. I kinda like things a little different……. I gave it to my wife and told her her Xmas shopping was done. Wrap it and put under the tree.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Welcome that is a deal!!
Now a few things for you to know, if it has the plastic wrench, don't use it. As it was unopened and the Dan over 20 yrs old this one may have never been taken apart or had the barrel off of it. Check EWK for the best Dan wrench any where. (even if it is steel snag an EWK anyway). Another thing check the barrel gap, you can crank the .22's down if you care to, normal is .006. Thew Dan 22 is a desirable to many, with box and goodies you made a good deal on the buy!
Enjoy and let us know how it does on the range !

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Dave_Ks said:
Welcome that is a deal!!
Now a few things for you to know, if it has the plastic wrench, don't use it. As it was unopened and the Dan over 20 yrs old this one may have never been taken apart or had the barrel off of it. Check EWK for the best Dan wrench any where. (even if it is steel snag an EWK anyway). Another thing check the barrel gap, you can crank the .22's down if you care to, normal is .006. Thew Dan 22 is a desirable to many, with box and goodies you made a good deal on the buy!
Enjoy and let us know how it does on the range
Absolutely go very slow and careful removing that barrel, and as Dave said, best not even attempt it with anything but the EWK wrench. Failure to do so may earn you a free pass to our tutorial on removing stuck barrels/damaged barrel nuts. You don't want that headache!
BTW-Welcome to DWF, I think you got a real great deal, and I will take the liberty of adding this gun to our Serial Number Registry.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

December 26, 2010

to the forum. You got a very good deal!
We're anxious for pics.
I've never heard of an inaccurate 22. I'm expecting you will be very happy with it. I absolutely love mine.
+1 on the advice on the EWK barrel wrench. Eric's stuff is top-notch. I've never used my original DW wrench, only my EWK wrenches.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Welcome to the DWF. You certainly got a great deal; .22's are pretty rare. Be sure to heed all the warnings about removing that barrel. Let me suggest that before you even try, soak it in a 50/50 solution of ATF and acetone. Let it soak for a day or two while you are waiting for your EWK barrel wrench to arrive.
I know that Dave recommended gapping the barrel at .006 which was the original factory spec, however, when DW started making the supermags they changed the gap spec to .002. I gap all of my Dan's at .002 and I think it helps with accuracy. Maybe not. I'm sure there are those here who will say I'm crazy. It's been said before and it'll be said again, but it works for me.


January 24, 2009

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