February 29, 2012

Howdy folks.
I am a new user to the Dan Wesson forums, who had purchased a .357 magnum stainless Dan Wesson revolver maybe 17 or more years ago.
I am not quite sure what the model number of the gun is, but it is a fixed sight stainless gun, and it came with removable 2 inch, and 6 inch barrels. I replaced the wooden grips with a set of Hogue rubber grips a while back.
Here is a picture of the gun.
It is marked on the frame:
S / 00463X
Both the 2inch and 6inch barrels are marked:
I have been wanting to pick up a 4 inch stainless barrel & shroud for the gun, but I don't know what model number to look for. I heard that you can get new barrels from CZ USA for the Dan Wesson's, and I have been looking around on Gun broker, and Numrich a little for a replacement 4 inch barrel & shroud.
Can someone who is a bit more experienced with Dan Wesson small frame .357 magnum revolvers educate me as to what the model number of my gun is?
Thanks in advance,
- Bullwolf

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

looks like you have a 714 (a stainless steel model 14, the 7 denotes stainless steel in all DW models.). If it were blued it would be a model 14. Fixed sight(service) 357s are model 14/714 and adjustable sight(target models) are the model 15/715. Nice looking gun you have.
Thats my basic understanding, experts will be along shortly to fill in the details.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

February 29, 2012

looks like you have a 714 (a stainless steel model 14, the 7 denotes stainless steel in all DW models.). If it were blued it would be a model 14. Fixed sight(service) 357s are model 14/714 and adjustable sight(target models) are the model 15/715. Nice looking gun you have.
Thats my basic understanding, experts will be along shortly to fill in the details.
Wow that's good to know. Thanks for the quick response, and the information Scorpio!
- Bullwolf


January 24, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

February 29, 2012

SHOOTIST357 said:
Welcome to the DWF--Nice looking 714 you have. Do you have a pic of the 6" barrel?
I am sad to say that the 6 inch barrel that my 714 came with is long gone.
There is a bit of an interesting horror story behind my old 6 inch tube. I was working in the back of a small indoor pistol range as a re-loader at the time. One of the case sorting employees managed to squirrel away a full shoe box of all kinds of mixed 38 factory shells, from 38 s&w, (a different size) to 38 short colt, 38 special, and many many 38 wad cutters, there were even some jacketed 38, and quite a few .357 Magnum loaded rounds.
These were the kind of random rounds that folks dropped or left at the range. Maybe some didn't fire, or they had a light primer strike already, maybe some of them rolled forward past the line. Some were scuffed, squished, or just downright ugly. You get the general idea. It was always interesting to see all of the oddball random things (like magazine floor plates, rear sights, sear, slide stops, etc) that you would find mixed in with the range brass.
Anyways, my Dan Wesson was a bit of a tank, and I was younger, foolish, and still thought that I was invulnerable. In general not quite as experienced back then. So I decided it would be fun to slowly work my way through the box one day. There were quite a few squibs in the box, and I ended up driving a few stuck bullets out of the barrel, carefully using a brass rod. At some point the poor reliability of the mixed shells just outlived the novelty of having a big box full of free bullets, and I quit shooting them.
I let the guy I worked with (who had given me the box) shoot my Dan Wesson. He grabbed the shoebox, and took it with him to the line. Long story short, he just barely lodged a squib wad cutter in the end of the barrel protruding a bit past the barrel nut, and he then fired another 38 wad cutter round behind it to remove it. Fortunately for him, both of the wad cutters, amazingly enough managed to exit the barrel, and nothing went kaboom, and the barrel was not visibly ringed, or bulged.
Unfortunately for me, the barrel was ringed, just not visibly. It was expanded right underneath the barrel nut.
I had a heck of a time getting the 6 Inch barrel off the gun after that as the barrel had expanded right at the barrel nut threads, and the nut just would not come off.
I wish I had read the FAQ on how to remove a stuck barrel back then. Sadly the Internet was pretty much still in its infancy.
So I just struggled really hard trying to get the bulged 6 Inch Barrel off the gun, and I ended up taking it to a gunsmith
In the end, I had the shroud and barrel cut clean through (think cut in half, right down the middle), and the whole assembly was then threaded off in two pieces, unfortunately this ruined the 6 Inch barrel, as well as the shroud. It sure was a good thing that the gun had come with 2 barrels.
It's also a good example as to how strong the revolvers are. Other than the barrel, all the rest of the gun was still in spec, cylinder, and so on. It still shoots a pretty tight group even with the 2.5 inch barrel, and it's poor sight radius.
My Dan Wesson had been purchased with the full under lug, heavy, ribbed 6 inch barrel installed, and the spare 2.5 inch barrel, shroud, and nut came in a small worn cardboard Dan Wesson box, which I now kick myself for not hanging onto.
My old 6 inch barrel looked exactly like the one in this photo.
Note: This is not a picture of my 714 Dan Wesson Revolver, It's just a random Google image of a 715 with the same style 6 inch barrel that mine had on, when it was purchased.
At the time, I always preferred the 2.5 inch barrel, and I thought the full under lugged barrel was a bit big for the gun, and looked a bit odd. Now I realize it was a pretty cool option to have, and I miss it.
Maybe down the road a ways, I will be able to find, and pick up another heavy lugged 6 inch stainless barrel for the 714.
I did just buy/win this 6 inch stainless barrel today off of Gunbroker. I can hardly wait until it arrives now!
I will at least get to see what the normal non VH barrel looks like on the gun soon.
- Bullwolf

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Welcome to the forum, nice 714. And congrats on the new barrel, always exciting to get new stuff! I think your new barrel is a 715 assembly, with higher front sight. If it ends up shooting low, EWKarms sells shorter conversion sights for a 715 barrel mounted on a 714 revolver.
Of course we will want to see the required when you have your new BA mounted.
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

I would stay away from that smith!!!! Welcome and glad you here! Check out EWK as said then if you want some great Wood Grips Check with LB! I do like the 14's/714's and yes you will need the sight conversion. (buy 2 that way when you find a 4" you don't have to order again, grab a new wrench while you are over there), best wrenches in town!!!!

Range Officer

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May 2, 2009

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November 17, 2008

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