April 3, 2009

Hi all, newbie to the DW site from N. central az. Don't quite have the DW .357 long barrel Monson I'm swappiing for, supposed to pick it up this coming Wed. Not even sure what model it is, I've seen pictures but never having had a DW before, I guess it will be a surprise. Blue with the serial # starting at 149, which should make it a 70's model if I read the posts correctly. No shroud and I get the pistol only, no wrench or extras at all. So I suppose I'll be haunting the classifieds 'till I get a shorter barrel, like a 4" and a wrench. I see wrenches on ebay but I understand there are early and late and I think I better ask questions here before I buy. Very informative site, by the way.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009


January 24, 2009

Welcome aboard!
The early/late barrel wrenches are mainly noted that wayto describe the type they are, but either style should work with your gun. Just make sure that if you find one, it's not for a large frame .357, the SuperMag...that's the one that won't fit your barrel nut.
Congrats on your find.
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