I am a newbie to Dan Wesson firearms, but have read about 16 pages of info on this forum plus several hours of reading about Dan Wesson on the internet. I am a strong supporter of the second amendment and consider myself a patriot. I am a Viet Nam era Vetran and am a big supporter of our Brave and Proud Sailors/Soldiers/and Airmen. I have spent the majority of my life associated with the military. I live in North Fl just South of Jacksonville.
My first Dan wesson, I bought it on Fri and it is available for pick up from the gun shop on Thur. It is a used 357 mag in pretty good shape and the rifling in the barrel is very good to excellent. It says Monson on it and sn is 599XX. I am not sure of its age and it did not come with anything more than what you see in the picture. Hoping to come up with a pistol pac or at least an 8 or 10" barrel for it. I am sure I will enjoy it when I get to the range. It is going to be a shooter and I plan on having it for home defense.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Welcome to the forum from PA! Thanks also for your service to this country. There is a link in the archive section at the top of this page, that will take you to the serial number registry. You will be able to approximate the date of manufacture from there. I just picked up one with a similar number and I believe it dates from about 1975-76. 8 inch barrels are fairly common for these guns, 10's not so much. Gunbroker, ebay are good starting points.
BTW we love so post em if you got em.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
SCORPIO, Would this be a 15-2 H4 manufactured in 1975-1976? Thanks for the help. Can't wait to get it tothe range.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Yours looks like a standard shroud, 4 inch. Heavy shrouds have a full underlug from frame to muzzel without a vented rib. In the archive section there is a good explaination of the various shroud types with pics. The year seems about right though.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
I hope so! Question is can I afford them. They are pretty expensive. Hard to tell condition on the internet. Don't want to buy a piece of junk. Pictures just don't tell the whole story. I will attend some of the local gun shows around the JAX area and see if I can scare something up. These DW's appear to be far and few in between in NE Fl. Are they available down your way at all? Thanks for the shout. Hope to be telling you about all my finds. R/ Burt

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

March 15, 2011

Welcome to the Forum, Burt. Glad to have met you and "enjoy the show." By no means be a bystander. Please feel free to hop in at any time if you want to ask a question or put your 2 cents into a discussion. This s a fairly tight knit group. Best regards, DW41F in Tampa, your fellow Floridian and DW fan.

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Burt Hood said
I went from a model 22 fan to a model 32 fan in my profile. I didn't put this in my profile and can't seem to find out how to change it to model 15-2 357 fan. Can someone help?
your 'fan model' changes as you put more posts on the forum. You start off as a model 22 fan, and as you post more, it keeps going up the ranks automatically so to speak. If you notice the guys with many posts are 744, 7445 fans etc.
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"


DWF Supporters
October 11, 2009

lonwolf93 said
Burt Hood said
I went from a model 22 fan to a model 32 fan in my profile. I didn't put this in my profile and can't seem to find out how to change it to model 15-2 357 fan. Can someone help?
your 'fan model' changes as you put more posts on the forum. You start off as a model 22 fan, and as you post more, it keeps going up the ranks automatically so to speak. If you notice the guys with many posts are 744, 7445 fans etc.
Thanks Lonwolf, I noticed it changed already.
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