November 25, 2010

Have been shooting for a long time, but never shot double-action until last year. My wife and I got Concealed-Carry permits after a 70 year-old on the other side of town was beaten to death with a baseball bat. We then realized it was "time".
Recently tho't I'd bought a Dan Wesson revolver, but it isn't. It's a Wesson revolver, made in Palmer, Mass. And that's why I'm here. Unless I'm "disqualified", I have some questions.

May 17, 2010

Welcome to the forum...while most of here are fans of Dan Wessons, I know for a fact we have members that love thier non-DW just as much.
We love pictures (or guns) so ask away and dont forget the pics
Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box
in that order.
4 Monson Model 15's
1 Palmer FB 15
1 Rossi 357 Model 92 (lever)
1 CZ 75B

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Sounds like you have a Dan Wesson, during their Palmer production period they went by Wesson Firearms or Wesson Arms, but they were indeed Dan Wesssons. If you have any doubt at all, verify the cylinder retaining latch is in front of the cylinder and not to the rear and your question will be answered. Dan's are in front. What calber do you have? blue? stainless? Sorry, but I must do this
Glad to have you!!
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

November 25, 2010

357 magnum, 2 1/2" fixed bbl, strange (to me) cylinder latch, clockwise cylinder rotation. Here are pix (I hope)
Supermagfan said:
Sounds like you have a Dan Wesson, during their Palmer production period they went by Wesson Firearms or Wesson Arms, but they were indeed Dan Wesssons. If you have any doubt at all, verify the cylinder retaining latch is in front of the cylinder and not to the rear and your question will be answered. Dan's are in front. What calber do you have? blue? stainless? Sorry, but I must do this
Glad to have you!!

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

November 25, 2010

Now that you ask about the barrel, I'm not so sure it's "fixed". Here are pictures of the muzzle, and a side view with the cylinder open. If the bbl is removable, or rotatable, do you know how? If I could rotate the shroud(?) a tiny bit to the left, it sure might help. As is, it's grouping 3" left at 7 yd.
What do you think?
On another subject, I pocket carry a 38 special Ruger LCR. It's dead-on with 158 gr SJHP, but low with lighter bullets.
DrSparky said:
Welcome, I have a Dan with the same set up, shoots very easy with little recoil even with hot .357 loads. I have a Ruger LCR in .357 that kicks like a mule but is lght enough to pocket carry all day. Are you sure it is a fixed barrel?

November 25, 2010

That's one-less complication I have to deal with. The grandkids are coming over tomorrow. The boys (3 total, oldest a U.S. Marine) and I plan to head to the range, while my wife and the two girls go horseback riding at a friend's.
Steve CT said:
Yes, that is a fixed barrel.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Model 14-2 Wesson (Dan Wesson) I have a SS in this one seems to shoot ok. Maybe different rounds? NO you can't move the barrel. I never have figured out how the barrel is attached though moving would be bad in every way.
<img class="sfsmiley" title="Welcome" onclick="sfjLoadSmiley('dwf-welcome.gif', 'Welcome', 'https://www.danwessonforum.com/wp-content/forum-resources/forum-smileys/', '', '1');" src="https://www.danwessonforum.com/wp-content/forum-resources/forum-smileys/dwf-welcome.gif" alt="Welcome" />


January 24, 2009

November 25, 2010

DWA_Midwest said:
Model 14-2 Wesson (Dan Wesson) I have a SS in this one seems to shoot ok. Maybe different rounds? NO you can't move the barrel. I never have figured out how the barrel is attached though moving would be bad in every way.
Thanx a bunch for the identification! The "14" confirmed what I'd been able to find. The "2" is a mystery.
On windage... No such luck! I have a "Palmer, Mass, Mismanufacture" the rear sight is machined into the frame to the left, and on a skew. I'm keeping the gun, and (unless someone suggests a better way) will be correcting the rear sight at the range, using a file. A bit slower than adjustable sights.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Proverbs said:
DWA_Midwest said:
Model 14-2 Wesson (Dan Wesson) I have a SS in this one seems to shoot ok. Maybe different rounds? NO you can't move the barrel. I never have figured out how the barrel is attached though moving would be bad in every way.
Thanx a bunch for the identification! The "14" confirmed what I'd been able to find. The "2" is a mystery.
On windage... No such luck! I have a "Palmer, Mass, Mismanufacture" the rear sight is machined into the frame to the left, and on a skew. I'm keeping the gun, and (unless someone suggests a better way) will be correcting the rear sight at the range, using a file. A bit slower than adjustable sights.
The "2" is second generation Dans. Really 3rd though first were W-12 and such then M15 with tanged or porkchop barrel. then the Modern M-15-2 and such Non porkchop.
from the pic it is off center wonder if the plant would correct this? I will look at my 14-2s closer to see if any have the same problem.
Thanks for shareing pics this is a new one to me.
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