January 8, 2011

Hello all,
Just joined due to visit to my LGS today. Up clearing snow for my 87 yr young Mom and decided to stop by the shop to see what a new Glock 36 would run.
Low and behold he has a DW 22 w/6" vent rib in the case. I had read a little about them and knew they were decent guns. Checked it out and it looks fine. He's asking 1/2 what the Glock would cost and it seemed to be destiny!
Been reading up on them since getting home, did some searching and found this site. It is a Monson manufacture and seems real solid - blue is nice and action smooth.
$300 OTD is good price from what I have read - not sure on box, wrench, gauge - but even without it I might "pull the trigger"
Ironically, just picked up a S&W Model 34 kit gun 3 weeks ago. Got slapped from the SO but lived to tell about it. Really thought the next was to be the slim .45 Glock for carry but I do have a affection for them .22's.
Well...what should I do? I'm thinkin a ride back tomorrow and plunk down the coin before it walks. (I'll endure another slapping when she finds out!)
I think $300 for a DW 22 is a good price even without the box and tools. You can get a wrench from EWK and his link is in the sidebar.
I think you will be please with your purchase and if you decide not to get it please post the location because I'm sure someone on here would be interested.
Thanks for joining up, hope you enjoy the site.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009


January 24, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

January 8, 2011

Hey Guys,
Thanks for the warm welcome. I think I will make the move...sitting here with sweaty palms in anticipation. Have to see what my bride (30 yrs) has planned for me today, but if time permits I think I'll go back over and put a deposit on it. ( She won't know..easier to ask forgiveness than permission)
In the wonderful state of NY - the protracted process of buying a handgun takes at least a week with getting the Judge to approve the "amendment" to my permit and picking up the coupon for the dealer to release the gun.....then....the NICS call and possible "delay" for 5 more days if they are too busy to grant release.
Geez, been a permit holder for 30yr+ and I have to go thru all this to add to the collection, but the bad guy can go downtown and buy a Sat Nite Special for $100 worth of crack!!!! (Sorry for the rant)
Not to change the subject but I just learned about the Utah Permit for non-residents. Checking into that as it would be reciprical with 30 states. Anybody familar with this option? $65 and take the course, send prints and wait for the non-resident permit. Handy if I want to travel to other states with a handgun.
Glad I joined and look forward to being a part of the "family". Will be ordering the wrench and gauge if not included with the gun - found a site where pics on making new wood grips is shown..being a woodworker might try that. Wonder if this will be my only DW????

November 14, 2009

Some of the Firearms Shops in Connecticut are offering this: Hoffman's for example.
I've looked into it a little and it seems useful.
Happyness is a Hot DW and a pile of used brass!!! Rich

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

dalv said:
Wonder if this will be my only DW????
Well, I think we know the answer to THAT, don't we guys?
Seriously, that is a very good price, even if you get the revolver only. Although I've gotten a little lax in the past couple of months, I normally shoot 100+ of.22 lr once, twice, and sometimes three times a week. It's cheap, and I shoot at a local (cheap) private club that is on the way home from work.
Welcome to the Nuthouse
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

January 8, 2011

When I hear about all the crazy gun laws, courses, waiting periods, permission, etc. in other states I'm glad I live in Alabama. If you are not a criminal and have $20 you can get a CCW from the county sheriff. I can go to the gun show on Saturday in my area and in less than 3 minutes walk out with a handgun and go home. A quick phone call, pay the man and I'm good to go. It takes longer to give information to buy Clariton D for sinus problems in the drug store.
I'm excited to think I might find a DW at the show. I have the fever baaad and look forward to cruising the tables and talking guns with all the rednecks.
I'm one of the newbies here so glad to have your company.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

September 1, 2010

dalv said:
Hey Guys,
Thanks for the warm welcome. I think I will make the move...sitting here with sweaty palms in anticipation. Have to see what my bride (30 yrs) has planned for me today, but if time permits I think I'll go back over and put a deposit on it. ( She won't know..easier to ask forgiveness than permission)
In the wonderful state of NY - the protracted process of buying a handgun takes at least a week with getting the Judge to approve the "amendment" to my permit and picking up the coupon for the dealer to release the gun.....then....the NICS call and possible "delay" for 5 more days if they are too busy to grant release.
Geez, been a permit holder for 30yr+ and I have to go thru all this to add to the collection, but the bad guy can go downtown and buy a Sat Nite Special for $100 worth of crack!!!! (Sorry for the rant)
Not to change the subject but I just learned about the Utah Permit for non-residents. Checking into that as it would be reciprical with 30 states. Anybody familar with this option? $65 and take the course, send prints and wait for the non-resident permit. Handy if I want to travel to other states with a handgun.
Glad I joined and look forward to being a part of the "family". Will be ordering the wrench and gauge if not included with the gun - found a site where pics on making new wood grips is shown..being a woodworker might try that. Wonder if this will be my only DW????
Dalv from Nevada
I purchased my 1st DW 7/31/10 and caught theI'm now looking for my 5th one (DW 722 6"bbl) so I'm sure this will not b your last.
I am New Yorker born and raised, moved out to California for 30 years and recently moved to Nevada . What a difference in gun laws from the first two states.
I got a Utah CCW and it only took a couple of weeks.The nice part is that you don't have to renew for 5 years.
I would buy that DW 22 right now

January 8, 2011

DONE!!!!! Got the receipt for the Judge and excited to pick 'er up. $297 OTD I figure is pretty good for the condition - no box or wrench like I figured but it seems like the parts and barrels are pretty easy to come by.
Gun is in real nice shape and will hopefully be a shooter.
You guys in "friendly" gun states make me envious with the easy rules but the saving grace is I get to pay the most taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That helps pay for all the crappy laws.
Sad part is there are a lot of beautiful parts of NY. We have a camp in the Adirondack mountains on Lake Champlain that is fantastic. Oh well, enough complaining. In 10 yrs or so I can look at other places to call home.
Gotta say the site is better than most - I belong to a bunch of other gun forums but have never received as good a welcome as here.
I know what's gonna happen..now I'll be on the hunt for other DW's when visiting the gun stores and shows. For now concentrate on getting this one fitted up and tuned, maybe make a new set of grips in the shop and see what she will do at the range.
Cool thing is I now have a 2" (SW Model 63), 4" (SW 34), and 6" DW. Plan on taking the wife and a girl from work that wants to learn to shoot and letting them try them out. Wife's favorite now is the 63 but she hasn't tried the others (yet). I love .22's.
So, there it is, I'm infected! Drank the Kool Aid. Back to reading up on DW and will post pics when she is home. Will have to figure out how to do that.
Thanks for the encouragement and I'll let you know if I end up on the couch!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

In Kansas, you can walk in buy a DW (if they have one) fill out the paper work and pay, Dealer calls it in and after approval you are good to go.
Conceal Carry is an 8 hour class, then file with the Sheriff of the county They in turn send it to the state. Back in a few weeks and carry any legal place.
I try to make sure I have ammo to work in what I just bought... Hate not to shoot it.
I have a few DW .22s you need a few too. so buy now and buy often. If i had to wait i would have one in the works once a week.
I hope we can mold the US gun laws to be hard for the crooks and easy for the Law-abiding citizens!
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