August 29, 2019

Hello all,
I am new to all of this and what brought me to this site was a gift I recently received. The person I have received it from said that it was purchased from a cop about many years ago and had been missing for about 25 years before it was found in a shoe box. When it was found I am not sure but I was curious as to what model I have, if there are the interchangeable barrels and tool avaiable for purchase somewhere, and if there is any monetary value in the current condition. The revolver has been recently shot with 36 rounds put through. I will try to post some pictures.

The stamping on the frame states: Dan Wesson Arms, Monson, Mass.U.S.A. then what I assume is the serial number starting with SD01 and 4 other numbers. On the 4" barrel is stamped Dan Wesson Arms, 357 Magnum CTG. The wooden handle is a medium brown with lightly visible grain and both sides have a textured area and an indented circle painted black and outlined in gold. In gold lettering are the initials DW.
Any insight or information would be greatly appreciated.
Revolver N3wbie

August 20, 2019

Welcome from a fellow new member here. Congratulations on your inheritance of what I believe is a model 14, since it has fixed sights. Fixed sights, 4" barrel and owned by a cop would suggest it may have been his service revolver. There certainly is monetary value to your gun. Check Gunbroker and other online sites to get an idea of pricing. There are barrel assemblies and barrel tools for sale on ebay, EWK and CZ. Some Dan Wessons had fixed barrels so check muzzle end to see if it has a barrel nut. The nut will have two notches on opposite sides for use with a spanner type barrel wrench that EWK sells for @$30. If you decide not to keep that little gem, I'm sure it will make someone very happy. More knowledgeable people here will chime in to better answer your questions.
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