September 2, 2014

Greetings from the great state of Pennsylvania. I just picked my first revolver which also happens to be a DW 15-2 so I thought I’d say hello and post a couple of pictures since I know everyone likes pictures.
I own a number of handguns and long arms and have always wanted to add a wheelgun to the stable. The more I read up on the DW 357 the more I wanted one.
I was able to locally trade a Glock that I didn’t really like for this 15-2, and although I might have over paid/traded for it, I’m happy. I didn’t have to try to win an auction, pay for shipping or taxes so all is good.
The serial number starts with 119xxx. I haven’t been able to find any history on the 119 s/n range so I’m guessing it’s from the 70’s. If anyone know more please chime in.
Well, enough blabbering. Here’s some pics

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

to the Forum. Beautiful pics! Very pretty 15-2
I think 70's is a good guess - probably 78-79. Check the serial number registry (in the left column of this site) to see if there is any help there. It looks really pristine. Clearly the previous owner did not have much fun with it. You will love shooting your Dan.

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

September 2, 2014

Thanks all. Yeah I'm really excited to get this beauty to the range. My wrench and gauge should arrive Monday from EWK. Then I'll give her a good cleaning and make plans for a range trip.
Agree with the Glock comments. I had purchased the Glock and an M&P 40 last year and decided I like the S&W better so the Glock was trade bait.
I did check the serial number list on the left but didn't see anything in the 119xxx range.
I wasn't even aware of a calendar. I'll have to check this year's out.
One question if I may: Other than cleaning the barrel and cylinder are there any specific areas I should pay special attention to with these guns or will it be like cleaning any other revolver?

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

September 2, 2014

Supermagfan said
Welcome from another PA Member. You an electrician? Sparky? Glad you joined us. Lots of good people here.
Thanks Supremagfan! Actually, Hey Sparky is just a term I use often when greeting friends or pointing out to someone they're doing or did something not too smart.. It all depends on how you use it so to me it can mean two different things. "Hey Sparky how's it going"? Or "Hey - Sparky point that barrel over there".
Not sure if that makes any sense to anyone other than me
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