October 11, 2009

I have a question. I just purchased a Dan Wesson 44 Mag. I bought it to occasionally shoot. And I promised my better half that this would be my last firearms purchase until our daughter got out of college. Which is 6 years from now. And I am taking a trip to Grizzly country Alaska on a 2 week camping/hiking spree. And I want to purchase a 6 or 4 inch barrel for it to carry. My problem is that the only other large caliber magnum I have is a Wildey Survivor in 45 Win Mag 10 inch barrel. Its too heavy to carry and too finicky to risk my life on. After I told some shooting friends of my intentions they all sayed not to use the Dan Wesson what so ever. Its a monson made gun. But its a 200th anniversary commemorative of the U.S. constitution.
Engraved with gold inlays and a 10 inch barrel. It has a band on it where the cylinder has never been turned. I tought of putting Hogue grips on it and getting a shorter barrel. Saving the White imitation ivory grips and the engraved barrel. Its all I have and I have to be ready for teddy-bear. So what do you think?

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

I agree as well. To carry anything on a hunt like that will take some marks from handling. Even if you save the grips and change the barrell, the frame will likely get some handling marks along the way. If you can find a good deal on a SS Dan and trade out of the commemorative would be a better financial decision perhaps. Just my 2 cents..
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

October 11, 2009

Thanks for replying so soon. But like I said earlier its all I have as far as big bore magnums. I have 45 acp's and 357's but if I had to shoot a grizzley with one of these I would just Pee him off. And my better half ordered me that this is it. No more toy transactions till our girl gets out of college. This trip is the dream of a lifetime. Bucket list . Plus at my age I am tired of preserving guns for the next fellow. When I'm dead I won't care about collector value. If you had a classic 65 mint corvette in your garage would you not drive it occasionaly on a pretty day?

August 29, 2009

You asked for our opinion, so there you have it. You didn't mention earlier that you don't care about collector value, so that changes everything . Take the commemorative out and out and burn it up with a bunch of hot lead. Doesn't matter if you shoot it occasionally or everyday, the value is going to be the same once it's fired.

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Dantanna58 said:
I have a question. I just purchased a Dan Wesson 44 Mag. I bought it to occasionally shoot.
You bought intending to shoot it, you own it (not your friends) so you get to decide. While it is not a "one of a kind" it was made to be primarily a display type item and is relatively uncommon.
If you're OK with shooting it, nobody else has an opinion that really matters IMHO.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

October 11, 2009

Gentlemen, thanks so much for your input. But it seems some of you did not fully read my question. I am not going to "Hunt Bear". Its a Hiking/Camping trip. If I wanted to hunt Grizzly I would go to Colorado and sit on my buddy "Headmaster's" back deck. He's a proud member of this forum. I will post pics
of the gun when it arrives this week at my local FFL. I just bought it from Gunsamerica.com. Its still listed if you want to see it. But like I stated earlier, I made an agreement with my wife that this would be my last "TOY" until our girl gets out of college. I only want to use it as an anti bear gun just in case.
The only other big bore I own is a Wildey with 10 inch barrel in 45 Win mag. But those things are too unreliable for a charging bear. Plus it weighs about 3 ounces less than a midsize Buick. Too heavy for hiking. I have plenty of smaller bore guns I shoot all the time. But nothing that you could use on a grizzly.
And from all reports bear attacks are up. I'm going in August. Can't wait to see all that beautiful country. Its been a dream of mine for 30 years.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Just my two cents. If you bought it to shoot then by all means shoot it. I am sure you realise that once it gets a little wear the collectible value is gone and its resale will probably be the same or lower than a standard DW. If you don't plan to resale it sometime then burn the guts out of it and drag it to Alaska and back. Have a great trip. Can you sneak me in your suitcase?
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

October 11, 2009

Forgot the most important question of all. If I fired it just to sight it in.
And carried it in such a way that it received no handling marks how much of its value would be affected? I'm using you guys to help settle the arguement I have with my buddies. It seems my buddies are winning. I know some of you wonder why I don't borrow a gun. I just don't want any complications to arise while out of state and using someone elses gun. I want everything to be in my name.

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

Here is my opinion. Since you bought it to shoot, go ahead and shoot it. Yes, commemoratives are rare but 99% of them never get shot so it isn't like you're shooting the last one. If you shoot sparingly and take care of it, it can still look nice for years. Sounds like your trip will be a once-in-lifetime trek, so if your pistol gets a scratch or 2 they will remembrances of a great vacation.
That being said, if you are worried about value I think as soon as you shoot it, the value is no more than a standard model 44. But if you plan to keep it longterm then shoot it carry it enjoy it and take great care of it.
And I agree I would not borrow a gun to take to the wilds of Alaska.
(Also we will need pics from your trip when you get back!)
"The lion and the tiger may be more powerful, but the Wolf does not perform in the circus"

October 11, 2009

Sir, I like the way you think. I do not abuse my guns. I take care of them. But I don't sit around in my bedroom polishing them. The only reason I bought this piece was because an internet purchase can be like buying a "Pig in a poke".
I have seen guys buy used guns over the internet and the seller swore they had never been shot and find when they got it to be worn out. Anyone can polish and oil a gun to make it look like new. This piece had never had the cylinder turned on it. So I knew it had to be new. Is there a Dan Wesson shooters forum out there? I'm a shooter not a museum curator. As soon as my daughter gets here. " My tech support". I'll send you guys a pick of my sad but small collection so you can see why I want a reliable 44 for Alaska. I came to this forum because my shooting buddies and I have argued for days over this matter. Most of them are young "Plastic Trigger Lovers". I will say this. I wish Dan wesson himself were alive today to see how well loved his gun is.
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