March 9, 2025

I just added my first Dan Wesson revolver to the family. Even though I'm stuck in California, I am gun friendly. I've got everything from .17 cal right up to and including the .50 BMG. Everything considered, my absolute favorites are revolvers. .357 revolvers in fact. The .22 is fun and the .460 magnum is impressive, but I do like a good .357. I sure hope that I can get my hands on a few of those interchangeable barrels. I mentioned the Dan Wesson to a friend and it just so happened that he had one. Shortly there after he referred me to Blued 6" Vent Rib .357 that had become available and now it lives here.

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

I take it you can buy a revolver from another person in California? I know most gun stores will not sell into Cal, I think even a 6 shot revolver has to have a sort of a key lock on the gun? Not an aftermarket lock but a built-in lock? I know semi-autos are limited to a 10 round mag. They have a lot of safety rules guns have to pass strict drop tests a lot of guns will not pass the drop test. No tube magazines must be detachable. New guns must have a bullet in the chamber indicator.

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

January 10, 2025

WELCOME from Montana!
You can order new barrels and shrouds directly from CZ - https://shop.cz-usa.com/dw-products.html?cat=21
ebay is also a source for parts & pieces.

Dans Club
December 7, 2020

Manic Mike said
I sure hope that I can get my hands on a few of those interchangeable barrels.Mike


January 24, 2009

Why are you stuck in the PSRC? Just offload your crap to someone else & move here to Utah, like some ump~teen thousands of others have done before you since Barry was in office! None of those toolbags have any idea how to drive in the snow & many of them want to flip our state blue once they get here!
Anyway, I see it's past my bedtime & I'm getting grumpy.
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