March 25, 2024

I bought my first dan wesson around 1979-1980… a 357 pistol pac… it was love at first sight.. I bought it at a gun show in los angeles of all places.. the love quickly subsided at home when I began to see some serious machining flaws.. the forcing cones on every one of those barrels was off center.. the cylinder’s chambers weren’t finished very well and the section just past the chamber reamer were horrific… I sold it at a loss a week later at another gun show and swore off dan wessons for life.. besides, it was time for this rookie the improve on his flinch development and a 44 magnum was the answer… a monstrously long smith and wesson that wore more chrome than a 60’s era buick..
feeling the need to demonstrate my inability to handle anything more than a 22lr.. I decided to visit the los angels silhouette club and try out the newest shooting game in town… 40 shots down range and not a mark on my score card… I was very fortunate and had several other shooters take me under their wings and show me the ropes… it wasn’t long before was shooting a contender and shortly afte...r a 7br in a bolt gun… the only thing missing was a revolver.. that smith didn’t last long in the collection but even though almost everyone on the line was shooting a dan wesson, I couldn’t bring myself to do it again… but I was hooked on silhouette and had to shoot all 4 guns in high power… friends were willing to let me check out their revolvers and I shot a few sighters with a couple as well..
I eventually found a store with a boat load of dan wesson revolvers in stock and a salesman sympathetic to my concerns… I think I looked at 6 or 7 stainless 44’s and walked out w/ a 10” vented (not heavy) combo… first time out I was only a couple targets behind my production scores… I was attributing this to the lousy balance of a 10” barrel and a buddy had just bough one in 8” VH (heavy) configuration and was burning the leg of his pats off w/ the shorter barrel… out came the little wonder tool and the die was cast...I went home w/ an 8” gun and he went home with a 10” gun and we both crossed into aaa class within a few weeks…
life sometimes gets in the way... handgun silhouette and I went in different directions… after spending 20 some years languishing in the darkness of a gun safe.. it screamed out at me to let it out… and somebody saw it… they had a lot of money… I didn’t…
so.. now that I have a little time on my hands… I figured I’d reacquaint myself with these awesome pistols.. and I’ve re-acquired a couple and looking for a couple more to add to the collection…
I figured, I’d start with the 3 supermags and managed to grab a 445 and 357… a little skeptical about the 375 but who knows.. maybe if one comes along.. the rule is they all have to be shooters, no wall hangers.. I also scored a 41 (my favorite bush caliber), a 44 and a couple 357s…
I got some reloading to do…..



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

Dans Club
December 5, 2008

March 25, 2024

found a 375 on gun broker that looks mint but not sure i will ever have the opportunity to actually use it for anything but a paper weight... @ $1500 today... that 414 is going to be a fun one to track down... what can i make brass out of for that one? started making 445 out of 303 brit but found 200 pieces and 100 rounds of loaded ammo so i'm set with that one...


January 24, 2009

My 375SM is one of my very favorite DW's to shoot, I really love that caliber. But because it's pretty much only a reloader round, it is definitely not as easy to get ammo to shoot. Because there were so few made, finding a 414SM is practically impossible...unless you're willing to part with a whole lotta cash.
Anyway, to the
I loved your intro post!
I think it was 25 made in Palmer before Serva moved DW to Norwich. Of course, all large frame and Supermags were made in Palmer even if roll marked Monson. There were more made in Norwich but I don't know how many. Much more than 25 though. There were a few blue 414 made in Norwich also.

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

You could have bought that 375 supermag right here 3 weeks ago for $1350 shipped. I had it for sale here and on Guns International for 3 months no takers. Then I re-listed it and Keystone arms bought it from me. Funny how they always get more for guns. You can still see it under for sale here on the forum. It was very nice in unfired condition but only problem with 375's is lack of ammo. You have to reload and even then it's a challenge to even find a set of dyes. Because of that prices are lower for 375's. I bought that gun 6 months ago for only $1150 on Gunbroker only because if was so low. I have another one just like it serial #14 and have a set of IHMSA dyes and brass and bullets just in case I want to sell it. You may want to contact Dan Fan I think he has a 414 First Issue he wants to sell but the price will be steep! In the 6k to 7k range!

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