Terms of Service
Any modification that may be posted in any of the forums or anywhere else on DanWessonForum.com are for information and discussion purposes only. The modifications may or may not be recommended to best give you the results that you are looking for. They are modifications that private individuals have experimented with and used on their own firearm. DanWessonForum.com or the individual contributor of the modification can not make any claims as to the overall safety of their modification and do not accept any liability for any damage or injury caused by someone attempting its use on their gun. Whenever in doubt, consult a gunsmith of your choice before deciding on any modification. Participation in the forums is open to the public and those who do must abide by our Forum Rules.
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Forum Rules
The following is a continually updated list of forum rules compiled by the administrators and moderators of DanWessonForum.com. By registering and participating at DanWessonForum.com, members must abide by the following rules and guidelines:
- Personal attacks and flames targeted toward other members, moderators, or anyone visiting the forum are NOT TOLERATED. Violations include, but are not limited to, posts containing racial, ethnic, or sexual slur, offensive language, insults towards one’s abilities, attacks on personal beliefs or opinions, etc.
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Members must abide by the preceding rules to continue use of the forums at DanWessonForum.com. Members in violation of the rules will be subject to account termination or suspension and/or post or thread removal or deletion, as determined by DanWessonForum.com administrators and moderators.
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