April 3, 2016

Thanks for the welcome.
Lets see revolvers...I have a Ruger GP100 .357, Ruger Blackhawk Hunter .44, Taurus Tracker .357, Three S&W model 10's, S&W model 37, S&W 642 and maybe a few more? Recently owned a Virginian Dragoon .44 and Ruger Vaquero .45lc.
Autos..S&W 6906, Glock G22 & G27, S&W Shield 9mm, and several more!
Don't wanna tell all my secrets!

February 16, 2016

dav2no1 said
Lets see revolvers...I have a Ruger GP100 .357, Ruger Blackhawk Hunter .44, Taurus Tracker .357, Three S&W model 10's, S&W model 37, S&W 642 and maybe a few more? Recently owned a Virginian Dragoon .44 and Ruger Vaquero .45lc.
Autos..S&W 6906, Glock G22 & G27, S&W Shield 9mm, and several more!
... got any Dan's ?


January 24, 2009

April 3, 2016

Thanks! I can't show all my secrets, so this is just a glimpse of my toys.
The last 1911 is a Metro Arms- American Classic 2. This is the older one, not to be confused with the newer models.
I actually have 2 of these guns. The machining is very nice and very few tool marks. Action is smooth and trigger is crisp. It's a very accurate gun. Biggest issue with these guns is the magazines. They come with 2 ACT magazines and they cause several problems...FTF, stove piping, etc.
Matter of fact, the recent gun I bought had been shot very little probably due to the mags. One of the mags just fell out when I put it in. I am switching over exclusively to Tripp Cobra mags now.
Again knowledge is power! If you know the problem is the mags, you can find guns with little use for very inexpensive prices. ($400-$500). Look for the ones with plain grips(no MAC symbols), these are the older guns.

January 22, 2008

Welcome, you gots some nice stuff!
…he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. Luke 22:36 Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project http://www.irenasendler.com/
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