July 26, 2014

Hey guys I just joined after doing some research on my newly acquired Dan Wesson that not to say that I am new at owning them I am 45 years old and received my first gun DW .357 model 15 from my brother as a gift for my 21st birthday and in a horrible fit of pure idiocy pawned it to (would you believe it) get my then wife a tennis bracelet (she divorced me a few months later and kept the bracelet) needless to say I have always had regret over the terrible loss.. the DW I mean.. not the ex wife.
So last week I found a worthy replacement but this gun is somewhat different than my last and I am curious about its model number I have not found any photos that match it.
P.S. I replaced the ex wife also the new model encourages such purchases... definite upgrade.
Thanks again for any help guys

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

from Kentucky. Nice looking old piece.
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

Dans Club

DWF Supporters
April 20, 2010

July 26, 2014

Hello Kentucky from Maine here. Thanks for the welcome. and the compliment. I have not heard of a 15-1 its nice to know its an older piece I got a great deal on it I traded an NAA 22mag mini and some duracoat jobs for it. the price on the tag was $395 its not often I see a DW for sale especially for that kind of price so i just had to have it. you know like that Allstate commercial the woman with red bag saying hello beautiful ya that was me with this wheel gun.
I am an FFL holder but not a retail guy its mostly so i can build my own guns and I do a fair amount of duracoat Paint jobs for people some minor gunsmithing and black rifle custom builds. so anyone in the southern Maine area please say hello
Thanks again

DWF Supporters
February 25, 2014

Hey there, welcome. I have almost the same gun. A 14 of about the same vintage ( I think it is actually a 14-1). Mine is a great shooter and only needed it's internals cleaned up and fresh lube. It works great mechanically, and is very accurate. Who could ask for better. Also did much, much better with my second wife. Enjoy (both)!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

July 26, 2014

Thanks again for the warm welcome guys it's always good to hear from those like minded.
the way things look these days its nice to know us (gun nuts) are not alone in this world. i will definitely give a range report and post pics after some minor restoration its got some scratches and a few bluing wear spots maybe ill give it a custom grip. still thinking about that i really like classic. i am looking forward to the project.
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