October 31, 2009

Hey now this is newbee mike again from CA tracked down a DW 744 and 7445 that I can get here in CA ,Now my question is this ,I shoot 44 mag more than any thing...so would it be advisable to stay with the the 744 or get the 7445 supermag for the supermag option,both are for the same price..

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

July 5, 2009

I agree with SHOOT on this one, provided that both revolvers are cosmetically and mechanically sound, a good value to you, and you're in a financial position to purchase both of them. (Oh, what the heck, buy 'em even if you're not in a good financial position ) If you pass one up, you may regret it.
The only kicker with the 445sm right now is finding brass. There's only one manufacturer of brass, Starline, and they've been hit by mass purchase hysteria like every other manufacturer. As a result, the last time I spoke to them they were not planning to manufacture any 445sm brass until around March 2010. I believe that CZ-USA still services the 445sm (other members, please correct me if I'm wrong).
It didn't stop me…I purchased two 445sm revolvers in the last 6 weeks. with your decision. Either way, you cannot go wrong with a DW.

October 31, 2009

AAAHHH if I only could buy both…But putting one on layaway sounds good.Thing is the price here in CA is more inflated..they want 795 for one or…the other…got to sweet talk the mgt.to let it go for less…and Ive,got to trade in a berreta 380 for down..Im leaning more to the supermag…but will go with the one in best condition….
You are in CA, so, if there is one of each available, get them both...
you can always flip one later and recoup your investment....
Charger or Shoot are good candidates~!
And, again, after all, we're here to spend your hard earned dollars~!!
Welcome to the forum!
If you're going to drink, don't drive. Don't even putt.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Mike you have a delemia. I like the buy em both idea but lets face it if that was an option you wouldn't have asked us to help you chose. So lets weigh out the pros and cons. The 744 cheaper to shoot, factory ammo is normally easy to find. A 44 will handle most any job at hand. 7445 has more power than a 44,Its more rare and should be worth more than a 744, and yes you can shoot 44s in it if you keep it clean. (yes some folks say its not a good idea but some say its fine, I won't argue that one) 445s you really need to reload. But don't forget Super-mags are just plane cool. Also you need to consider what it is for, Big-bore plinking and or hunting medium size game the 44 is probably best. If you are chasing grizzles or the like, the 445 is the man. Anyway just my 2 cents worth. Good luck and let us know how it works out.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

At $795.00 for either I would buy the 445. The 44 at $795.00 should be a an 8" or 10" and be flawless. The 445's usually go for more than $795.00 on auction. Do either come with the box and tools? That adds to the value for sure. You can still pick up brass from time to time on GB auctions. If you get into the 445 I think I would have a source privately that I could get you some brass. There are a few factory ammo people out there that load 445SM, but as the others indicated it is likely best left to handloading to be affordable. Once you have the brass, the rest of the components are standard 44 Cal stuff. But as was stated, try to but both! The more DW's the merrier. Rules!
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

April 25, 2008

Mike from CA!
Tough call, if you can't afford both, but that would be ideal. In your situation, I would go with the .44 Magnum, since you plan on shooting those the most. A .445 SuperMag would bring more cash, if you wanted to turn it around.
I have shot shorter cases in several of my SuperMags and I DID clean them well after the range sessions. The biggest problem I see with that idea, is the large bullet jump from the shorter cases resulted in mediocre accuracy. Of course, it may be that those loads needed more tweaking to find some accuracy, but I did not devote any time to that.
The Savantist

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Pure dollars and cents, 445 is a better value, but you need to reload to take advantage of the extra bang of the 445. I don't know much about you local pricing, I would not find a 44/744 to be much of a value at $795 unless there was something exceptional about it.
Not a good answer, the most important factor is what you are going to do with the one you ultimately buy. To just buy ammo and shoot= 44. To reload for and get a better deal=445.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

October 31, 2009

Yah a bit high for the 445 let alone the 744..I think they are an consignment by the same owner..Im leaning to the 445 ...I do wander In bear country ever so often..Its two hours away to gun store ..so I'll have to make arrangments to go down .hope they come with some tools or I mite have to
you guys for some..
Thanks for the advice..your guys knowledge and input really help....

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

zoommb said:
Mike: (good name)
to the
I have to agree with Steve: the most practical purchase would be the .44. There's no denying the appeal of the 445S but sometimes we have to be practical.
Tough decision.
Did I hear that right...? Did a DWF member just use the word "practical" when discussing a DW purchase...

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009


January 24, 2009

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

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