September 25, 2018

Hi Folks,
I did not know there was a Dan Wesson Forum until today while researching Dan Wesson's v other pistols on the 1911 Forum. I'm very glad to have found your Forum and honestly did not know too much about Dan Wesson until about 2 months ago. That is when I found out that I can acquire another pistol in February and have allocated $4,500 for the purchase. I currently own Wilson's and a SA TRP set up for Bullseye. I was looking for something different and a little unique to acquire as an EDC pistol. I really am impressed by all the great things I have read about the Dan Wesson Valor and other models but especially the Valor. My thoughts were to acquire a 10mm pistol and I have narrowed it down to the Valor and the Nighthawk. I have been assured that the Valor has no MIM or cast parts and the guns are made to exacting tolerances and then hand fitted. I also understand that they are tight but not ridiculously tight like a Les Baer. The main things I am looking at is slide lockup, bushing and barrel fit and frame to slide fit. If any of these are loose then the gun is immediately rejected. I am told the Valor does not have problems in this area. I keep coming back to the Valor asking why would I want to spend another $1.5K on a different gun that does everything the Valor does? The Valor in my opinion is sleek and classy. It doesn't have a lot of verbiage on the slide or frame and has no blocky looking rail. I guess I'm just on the fence here and need to be pushed in the right direction. I know if I had a Dan Wesson that I would carry it and could possibly place a set of Ivory's on the black model I like. I reload and will be preparing my bench for the addition of the 10mm. I don't want to seem like a 1911 snob but I just occasionally buy new firearms and want to make sure I get the best quality I can. The only real elephant in the room is that Dan Wesson only has a 5 year warranty (but) I here there warranty service is quite good. Anyways, the only major thing that can break on a 1911 is the frame or slide and the chances of that happening on a forged piece are slim and none. I know that I'm rambling on and thank you for your patience. I don't have anything better to do as I'm retired and a grandpa!!
My Best, Gary
NRA Life Member
NRA Legion of Honor
Sons of Union Civil War Veterans
"Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle." Psalm 144:1



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Welcome to the DWF! The folks on the 1911 forum are, in general, more 'into' 1911s and we tend to be 'more into' the revolvers. That said I think you would be happy with a DW 1911. I don't have experience with the Valor but have four different Pointman series pistols and have never had an issue. One of them is a PM 7-10 and I will tell you that reloading the 10mm with WFN cast bullets will cause some frustration as opposed to the standard profile for JHP or RN bullets.
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
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