September 28, 2010

Well all is right now,
The range rod isan inexpensive piece of mind and sometimes needed tool, it tells you a lot as I passed it through my S&W J-442 38 I could feel the barrel deformation where it was pressed into the frame. It wasn't bad but I was using the "Match" rod plug...the :standard would ave given more wiggle room. So its nice to have if you ever get that (I wonder if backing over my gun case with the 75 Buick did anything to the alignment?)...this will take all doubts away.
I sent a 9x6in rounded black rectangle on bright green at 15 yards' to be sure if things were way off I'd know where to go. From my range bag as a rest one cylinder full ended up down about 5" and to the left 3 " all but one in a 2" circle...say all 6 in 4".
Three clicks right and two up out to 25 yards, still on the bag, I tinkered with the sight on a black marker 3" black dot I made with one of those "tagger Sharpies" and one round at a time I ventilated that dot twice.
Now back to the 9x6 stickey rectangle. I punched five holes in an oblong pattern about 5x6 in, 3 in the ten and two right around them in the nine with the stray just on the edge of the lower right. These targets have an orange 1x .5" center, the 10 spot was around that about 3x6 and the 9 just about the 9x6 of black.
OK, no more bag. A fresh target back at 25y. The first of those groups was one in the 10 low,2 in the 9 and the other three held the black zone in a checkmate pattern. The next five go arounds were all pretty similar with the second last with my best group, 3 in the ten...one of those three on center (musta been a twitch), 2 in the 9 one highof the 10 and one low left of the 10. Like I said, this was the best of the 5 round session off the bag, two hand thumb under thumb using Magtech 158gr FMJ Flat.
I trust the stock DW grip is not the grip for me, and getting used to the SA trigger will take some time. I could tell when my grip was right and the round went where I intended it to go, and that was not all of the time. I might try some of the other front sight colors, my choice I've got is black or red. Maybe order a yellow and the clear acrylic green jobby.
All and all, I'm very satisfied with this revolver. It's definitely not one I'd put on the "I'd sell it for some other dream toy list), I've plenty others that fit that bill. That look and feel to me like the Dan Wesson...I've waited too long to get this one and it's the caliber I'm most comfortable with.
Well Gang...thanks for taking in this read, maybe post some pics in the photo section and show a few of the rest of the collection.
Good day..
Regards ka8yoh

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

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