May 10, 2012
First of all, God bless the victims of this lunatic, and all their families. Please join me in prayer for these people and for our country.
This is a prime reason why more responsible citizens should be carrying firearms. If 5 or 10 people in that crowded theater would've had pistols, I suspect lives could've been saved, even though the perpetrator was reported to be wearing kevlar.
Unfortunately the media and liberals will paint this as the very reason we need more gun control. Ah, the regurgitated argument!
But it does not get to the heart of the issue: The declining morality of our society. We are creating youth that worship violence and sex more than they do God, and that, my friends, is the primary reason for columbine, or Virginia tech, and probably for this one too ( the guy called himself " the joker" and did it at a batman movie premier). Even if these people were mentally ill, caring/involved parents or communities may have been able to get these people help before the tragic crimes were committed.
There will always be evil in the world, which is why I am for responsible concealed carry. But the primary issue remains strong and healthy values. So don't forget we are "one nation under God" first, and then comes our "right to keep and bear arms".
Okie1 May the Forum be with you.
January 24, 2009
There's no doubt that if there were more than a couple guys firing back at this loser, lives would have been spared. I don't care how much body armor this loser was wearing…he would have been distracted at the very least & lives would have been spared.
Demented A-holes on our planet suck. Plain & simple. I don't care how apologetic his parents are for this situation, he is clearly beyond their reach now. They have spawned an animal, plain & simple…this A-hole has clearly stepped out into the forefront seeking "fame & glory"…and for his reward, he deserves a speedy trial & even more speedy execution.
I'LL GLADLY BE ON THAT EXECUTION SQUAD, NO PROBLEM!! No bad feelings, no remorse, no nightmares, none of that crap. Sign me up.
Sorry for my rant. Needless waste of innocent lives never lands on my good side. My heartfelt condolences go to those grieving the loss of their loved ones & for the survivors whose lives have been turned upside down by this senseless crime.
May 3, 2011
This is a infamous crime that will live on for a long time. This disturbed young man has certainly got his 15 min. of fame. I guess we are blessed not to have more people like this. Life is not a video game where you get extra lives. These events help people realize the brevity of life. All we can do is pray for the families and go on with life. And be prepared for such foolishness.
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