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Here's my future President???

Dans Club
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August 17, 2011 - 10:53 pm
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Florida's Mandatory Drug Testing to receive Public Assistance?

Florida government defends requiring drug tests for welfare recipients

This guy GET'S IT!

I guess if you need to be drug tested to get a job at Home Depot, and our servicemen/women are randomly drug tested, then you sure as hell ought to be drug tested to get my hard earned Tax money.

Honestly, if a family needs help to get back on their feet, they should get it. Along with showing that you're looking for work, taking care of your family, providing the best home you can, you should welcome the opportunity to prove you're not using drugs. If you don't want to be tested, what are you hiding? My boss tells me to drug test, I say fine, how about right now?

Interesting that the ACLU is challenging random drug testing of state employees as well.

A little off topic, along with believing that Congress needs to go on Tri-Care, they ought to be subject to random drug testing along with the US Military personnel that they so willingly screw over with great regularity.

Sorry, the rant is over now, I think yell

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin

Salem, Virginia
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August 17, 2011 - 11:32 pm
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Seems like there is another state doing this as well... I think they should all do it!


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Dans Club

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August 18, 2011 - 7:39 am
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Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.



Dans Club
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August 18, 2011 - 9:39 am
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I see now that Missouri does this as well. I found this interesting as well:

53% Support Automatic Drug Testing For Welfare Applicants

So 53% of Americans seem to be in favor of this. Now if memory serves me correctly, our current President was elected with, oh, a 53% popular vote margin.


I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin

Overland Park, KS
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August 18, 2011 - 1:14 pm
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+1   +1   +1


Most everybody will need some help some time in their lives.  And they should get that help providing they are willing to actively seek a way off the dole.  But it has become a way to live for folks who don't want to work.  And it is infectious.  One of my boys saw so much of it that he seriously considered going for it when he had the chance.  We talked about it and he could see that it would be a path from which he might not come back and he could become what so disgusts him.  I'm glad he chose to go to college instead.  He's gonna work his a** off and he knows it, but he's looking forward to the challenge.

Blacksburg, VA.
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August 18, 2011 - 2:53 pm
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I have a commercial drivers license and work for a county government. I am "random" drug tested about 5 times a year. The testing is either pee in a cup or blow into a machine, or both. If I have to random drug to keep my job, I have no problem with someone being subject to drug testing for them to receive government assistence.

I could really go on a rant re: the Lone Star Card ("food stamps") but will spare you-all.



Mts of East Tennessee
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August 18, 2011 - 9:39 pm
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Sounds like someone has their head on straight. Everybody should be happy but I will bet you that ACLU are going to file before long.


Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
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August 19, 2011 - 6:59 am
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Glad some are finally figureing it out!   and make it a surprise show up at the house where they list they live and drug test them all! 



Dans Club
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August 19, 2011 - 8:17 pm
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wdelack said:

I could really go on a rant re: the Lone Star Card ("food stamps") but will spare you-all.


Direct quote from someone who (temporarily) works for me: "I can't come to work tomorrow because I have to go get food stamps and get my State medical insurance started". OTOH, could the overpaid State employees (not to be confused with State workers, of which there are NONE) maybe have evening or weekend hours? Not only NO, but HELL NO!

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin

Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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August 19, 2011 - 10:58 pm
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Absolutely, I would vote for Rick Scott for Prez any time!wow


Steve CT said:

Interesting that the ACLU is challenging random drug testing of state employees as well.

If they DIDN'T challenge this, I think I'd fall right outta my chair.surprised The ACLU only cares about one thing, how to keep the leeches sucking from the system. They don't care about these people's actual welfare...not in such a way as to give direction to a better life.

On the subject of welfare recipients... confused


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October 30, 2011 - 11:16 pm
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I don't support ANY random drug testing because of a few things,

1.  The most benign of all illegal drugs, Marijuana, is the one that shows up the longest, and just because I took a puff at a concert last week, I'm denied a job really pisses me off.  It's legal here, not legal there, why don't the just legalize it and tax it and be done with it.   Also, people taking chemotherapy often use pot to help with the side-effects of chemo.  Should those folks be denied government assitance because they needed some relief from the pain and agony caused by their treatment?


2.  It's an invasion of privacy, what I do on my own time should be my business, not anyone elses, as long as I don't show up for work stoned, then leave me alone.


3.  The most ruthless of drugs, meth, is out of your pee in just a few days, so they're catching those horrid pot-smokers, while the meth heads lay low for a couple days and get right in. 


4.  What do you do with those places where medical marijuana is legal, do you deny them assistance or let them in?  It's still against federal law.


5. Do we really want more government interference in our lives? What about Social Security, do they kick you off if you smoked a little and it shows up in a pee test?  "Well hey, I paid for that all my life"  well, so did many others that end up needing government assistance.


6.  What about alcohol.  It's caused more damage than most the other drugs put together, yet it's legal, I'd think someone that stayed drunk all the time is way more worthless than someone that took a hit off a joint a week ago,  but would they get denied?  Probably not.  But they guy that took a hit a week ago would.


If they had to do anything they should do a hair follicle test, that shows EVERYTHING someone has ingested.   But the follicle test is too expensive some say, well, we if the govt. can spend a thousand dollars on a hammer they can damn well afford to do a follicle test.

This is like so many other things, this starts with good intentions, then ends up being a nightmare.

This used to be AMERICA, land of the FREE.   Shouldn't be anyone's business if I smoked something to help me through some chemotherapy.  Or even if I smoked something over the weekend to have a good time.

Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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October 31, 2011 - 9:47 am
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Ok, so you're an obvious pot smoker. I would imagine that you'd be used to how the drug testing thing works by now & shouldn't be all butt-hurt about it. Nobody has said you can't move to a legal state, if it's really that important to you...AND you're still FREE to do so!wink

I do agree that pot should be legalized & regulated (no, I'm not a pot smoker), just like alcohol. The "war on pot" will never be won & the revenue brought in by legalizing it would probably be amazing. The war on harder drugs will never be won either, but there's no way that crap should be legalized.

I do not agree that on the job drug testing shouldn't be done...no matter whether they legalize pot or not. In my experience, I have noticed that drug users (especially pot smokers & pill poppers) are much more likely to use on the job, than are drinkers. 

You won't be denied Social Security for smoking pot, no need to make issues where none exist. However, drug users SHOULD be denied from receiving welfare. Plain & simple.

If a person is on chemo & pot will help their pain, then sure, smoke it...I'm sure an employer would be much more understanding in this case. Are you actually on chemo, or is this more of an "if I was, then" type of deal?  Judging from the amount of rant, I'm betting you're non-cancerous.

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October 31, 2011 - 7:12 pm
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I used marijuana during my chemo treatments.  So I guess I'm a pot-smoker. Since I'm off chemo now, I leave it alone.  But I still support it's use for both medical conditions and for fun.  It's much less damaging than any other drug including alcohol.   I've worked with alcoholics on a voluntary basis for years and see the havoc it wreaks on family's, and the person indulging.  I had 2 friends die recenly and 1 dying right now as a result of alcohol.  I've not seen anyone dying from smoking too much pot.

I'm just saying that it's the most benign of the illegal drugs, you don't see people high on pot causing trouble in bars, unless they are drinking too, holding up 7-11's and the like, mostly they just want to mellow out and munch on things and watch tv.   I believe alcohol, being legal, has caused a much greater toll on society than most of the illegal drugs.  Yet pot's the one that shows up on the pee tests most often because it stays in your system a couple months or so. 

I don't consider pot a drug really, it's nothing like meth or heroin or any of those destructive drugs.  It grows naturally and needs no processing to be ingested, it's not addictive physically, though some may think they need it.  it helps with some medical conditions, glaucoma, and chemo side effects and I don't know what all else the "prescribe" it for.   I think the biggest danger is those who smoke and then drive.  Opium too grows naturally, but it IS addicting, so I do consider it and it's derivitaves drugs.

I just disagree with all this piss testing for most jobs.  Now if you're in control of an 18 wheeler, dangerous machinery, airplanes and the like, you probably should be tested randomly.   But having to pass a pee test to work in a Wal Mart or flip burgers at McDonalds or whatever just seems stupid to me. 

And no, I don't think you should be able to get on welfare and spend all your time partying.  But again, they're going to catch the pot smokers, and the meth heads and junkies will slip right by.

As far as Social Security goes, I just think once you let the genie out of the bottle, it's going to spread to anything you get a check from the government for.  It'd be a great way to save a lot of money.  Kick all the old hippies off of SS cause they smoked a little pot last week.  Don't think it won't get brought up if they start testing for welfare.  If it can save the government money, at citizens expense, they'll get around to it eventually. 

All I'm saying is what I do on my own time should be my business and none of yours.  I suppose if you have get welfare then you should be monitored 24 hours a day to make sure you don't have any fun at government expense.  Just kidding, but I'm tired of seeing pot smokers get treated the same as junkies.

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October 31, 2011 - 10:18 pm
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Aahhhh....now the paranoia post makes sense Sarcasm100




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November 1, 2011 - 2:10 pm
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Yeah, I lie awake at night dreaming up things to try and scare people.   It must be my chemo/pot riddled brain.  I did stay on the chemo  too long.  I wanted to make sure they kicked it's butt good.  I took a couple  extra weeks of it just to be sure they got it all.  I've been in remission since 2004, but it did booger up my head a little.   After 7 years, I think my head has mostly recovered, but I guess I'm still a little pessimistic, and very leery of our government, and any changes made in healthcare, so I do subscribe to a lot of different publications right now.   My "Paranoia post" is a summary of current warnings from the financial publications I subscribe  too.  I didn't dream any of that up. 

Has anyone read "Aftershock" by David Wiedemer,  Robert A. Wiedemer and Cindy S. Spitzer .  That book is a real eye opener about the collapse of the Bubble Economy in America, with "bubbles" like the .dot com bubble, the housing bubble, and how all the bubbles interact and prop one another up or help pop the next one. Reading that might give you an insight into what is really going on in the economy.

 "Money Mischief" by Milton Friedman, is also a good look at how the Fed manipulates markets and our monetary supply they can  create inflation or deflation simply by running or stopping their money printing machines

My "Paranoia Post" came from an overall summery of different publications I get from my financial subscriptions that were recommend to me.

The predictions range from a mild depression like era for a period of time, to something resembling the apocalypse…Cities in flames with under or non-paid firemen and police working when or if they feel like it.   You can choose to act on the predictions however you want, do nothing and hope Uncle Sam will be there for you, or maybe stock up a little extra food, to going to all out survivalist mode.  That's up to you. I'm just trying to pass on some info that was given to me from several sources.

I didn't do that to try and scare anyone, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that things might not be so rosy just around the corner.  I suppose I sound like the guy telling you to sell your stocks in September 1929.  I'm sure his sanity was questioned.  

I didn't do this to get ridiculed or my sanity questioned,
or to be made fun of, I was just trying to share the warnings that I've seen
time after time in all sorts of media. 

And who are you Charger Fan? (Great game up in KC last night too bad Rivers fumbled the ball!!!) where do you get off stating that I'm an obvious pot smoker and non-cancerous?  How is it you are passing judgment on me?  I see you are a moderator, does that give you the right to put labels on people and call them names?  I've made no personal attacks like that on you or anyone else in the forum.  Thankfully I am non-cancerous. I've been in remission for 7 years thank God.

I sincerely hope that you and all  the other members here never have to undergo chemo. It's one of the most horrible things I can think of.  It pretty much cost me my marriage and my whole life as I knew it.  So I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me names.  It's really no one's business if I smoked anything to help me feel a little better and eat something during chemo.  
And if you drink at all, isn't that about the skillet calling the kettle black?  Volunteer to work with substance abusers sometime.  You'll see what alcohol can do to a family.  It can tear one up just as bad as any drug I've seen, except perhaps meth, that's some evil crap.  I've seen it get a hold of some people and just tear them up.  Alcohol can be about as mean though.  It seems to usually take longer but it can mess some families up. And its legal so it's very widespread. 

The people I do know that smoke pot, they do it in their own  homes, for their own pleasure.  They're not out in some bar or club causing a scene. They have never been arrested in their lives.  They pay taxes and are good citizens. They're not out driving and killing people. They're not some crazy addict that wants to rob you and take your money or your life, why do we let thousands of people go unemployed just because they like to smoke an herb?  Maybe if they didn't get tested to get a job, then they wouldn't need the welfare.

I suppose Charger Fan will ban me now.  Oh well, was nice to know everyone while it lasted.  Hope the best for everyone.


Dans Club
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November 1, 2011 - 9:59 pm
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A couple of observations:

1) This got kind of heated, possibly because of the way some thoughts were worded, expressed, understood, or misunderstood. These things happen.

2) Moderators on DWF do not have the ability to ban anyone, they may suggest to the Admin that such an action be taken.

3) As a personal observation, I think that the expectation that Charger Fan would ban anyone because of a personal difference of opinion is pretty judgmental, and unfounded. I recognize that this will be considered to be one Moderator sticking up for another. It's not, but no way to convince anyone that it's not.

4) There is discussion in the Topic that seems to condone and advocate illegal activities, which I consider to be a violation of the DWF Terms of Service:

Posts containing information and/or links to illegal, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate material are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Violations include, but are not limited to, posts displaying or linking to pornography, illegal activities, hate sites, illegal products, religious, ethnic and other stereotyping etc.

5) Moderators do not ban, but we do Moderate.

Topic Locked, no further discussion of this on DWF.


I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin

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