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How many of your guns does Big Brother not know about?
Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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February 16, 2009 - 12:47 pm
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Maybe I'm just paranoid? I'm a bit apprehensive to even admit this here, but maybe others feel similarly?

The first time I've personally had a background check done, was to purchase a Ruger 10/22 for my son's Christmas gift, around 2000. I have felt that if Big Bro doesn't know what I have, he can't come & take it...if and when that ever happens.

With that thought in mind & other than that .22, I've always purchased guns from friends, or local individuals who have advertised guns on our local classifieds. Most often, I have signed a bill of sale with the seller (and I've also insisted on receiving a copy) which I feel helps cover both parties backs, if some issue arises.

I guess if I was a gangbanger, having a non-registered gun on my posession would merely add another charge to my rap sheet...but I don't commit felonies with guns, so I don't feel I would normally be much concern to the authorities.

In a nutshell, what "Bro" doesn't know about won't hurt him.Wink If my firearms weren't obtained "legally", does this make me a less responsible citizen?

The main reason I'm thinking about this today is that I'm buying a gun from out of state. That means that it's going through an FFL, all legal like & that "Bro" is going to know about it too. I feel a bit uneasy, but to have this new gun, I'm willing to stick my head above the horizion & hope Bro doesn't take a potshot at me. Surprised LOL!!

I dunno, maybe this whole concern is a moot point...I did join the NRA a while back, maybe that's enough to put me on Bro's blacklist right there, so no amount of guns I legally own will even matter? 

I have also been pondering getting a CCP, lately. Not because I feel I need to get one in order to defend myself, but because today I can...by next year, maybe I can not.

And of course, to not jeopardize the right to a CCP, the only gun I will carry will be one obtained all legal like...from a gun store, with actual sales taxes paid & everything.Laugh LOL!!

Ok guys, give me both barrels.Embarassed

Central TX
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February 16, 2009 - 12:55 pm
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I only have one without a paper trail.

I've been a bit concerned about this as well. If registration becomes a requirement, that brings up a few more scenarios to cramp the ”no paper trail” purchases.

As far as a carry license, I feel that would put you at the top of a list you may not want to be on. That is the primary reason I haven't obtained a carry license yet.

As an afterthought, I figure my chances are better, even after filling out the appropriate paperwork, of being way down on a very long list considering the amount of firearms out there. Just seems to me that having a license would attract attention easier and faster. Hopefully it's a moot point and we have nothing to fear.


Salem, Virginia
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February 16, 2009 - 1:29 pm
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I prefer to be from individuals as to avoid the background check but however in order to get some of the cool DW's I've had to buy off the Internet.  I also have a CCP so I'm pretty much on the list!

Unlike Steve I cannot limit myself to 10 handguns.  I have several that haven't been shot in years but you never know when the urge will hit.  🙂  So I would think I'm at about 50% / 50% as far as doing the background checks.

Dusty Trail
Round Rock, Texas
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February 16, 2009 - 7:38 pm
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I applied for a Concealed Carry permit last October in anticipation of not being able to get one in the very near future.  Not to mention I think that carrying is a responsibility we need to all acknowledge as solid members of our communities.

--->BTW, the backlog at the time was >6 months and I have yet to receive it.

I have several registered guns, so felt the liability in getting the license was no greater than the one I had already incurred being approved by, and registered with, the BATF.

I have to agree with the concern & I don't think Charger is paranoid.  I think it might not be wise though to post all your guns on the web if they are not already registered.

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February 16, 2009 - 8:10 pm
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no.. I"M not paranoid.. why do you ask  !!!


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February 16, 2009 - 8:18 pm
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I applied for CCW permit last month..

North Carolina currently has a 3 month wait..

they are averaging 3000 applications ..per week..

I moved here from Chicago..

I'm aware of who Abe-bama is.. and IS NOT..

I'm aware of who Bobby RUSH is... Who's Bobby Rush you ask ?

Congressman Bobby Rush...From Chicago .. former Black Panther,

formerly in jail for gun violations.. a real sweetheart of a guy..  just introduced H.R. 45 gun limiting bill in Congress..  

of course he wants honest citizens unarmed... that way his buddies have less to worry about when they come into your home, uninvited, to "shop"..Chicago style !!!

Get on the phone and call your congressperson NOW !!!  DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S A LAW..


Dusty Trail
Round Rock, Texas
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February 16, 2009 - 8:37 pm
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Couldn't agree more.

Not envious of you having to deal with Bobby Rush.  I just know him from the news and that is much more than enough…

You made a couple good moves - out of Chicago and applying for CCP!!

Good luck, let's hope we both get in under the wire…

LOL on the "I'm not parnoid"...very funny...I think...

Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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February 16, 2009 - 9:21 pm
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Dusty Trail said:

I think it might not be wise though to post all your guns on the web if they are not already registered.

Hmmm...hadn't thought of that. Great, now I have to buy more, so I can have some that I haven't posted pics of.Confused   "What new gun, baby, this old thing?"  Laugh hehe

That "paranoid" scenario cracked me up as well. LOL!

Thanks for your replies, I think I feel a little better. I still don't think I'll ever devulge how many I have to Big Bro, that's for me to know & them to find out.

I'll probably check out what's involved in doing a CCP in a few months, probably after I find a good carry gun.

Blacksburg, VA.
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February 16, 2009 - 9:23 pm
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Is it true that when Australia imposed their "gun ban" (my understanding it is just a very tight restriction) that the sale of 6" PVC pipe sky-rocketed?

So , landpanther1 has the right idea.

Every gun that I haven't sold were either stolen or lost in a boating accident....Wink


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February 17, 2009 - 8:10 am
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Charger Fan said:

"I'll probably check out what's involved in doing a CCP in a few months, probably after I find a good carry gun."

Charger... my point in tell you guys how many people are applying for CCW permits PER WEEK  here in NC..  and ALL the states systems of checking us  is bogging down.. they are getting JAMMED with requests.. if you wait.. you may not get in.  

 and you read what DUSTY wrote about Texas, ( one of the most liberal gun states in the union), having a 6 MONTH back log..

Do NOT WAIT to apply.. do it now...

I don't have a carry gun either..and didn't decide on one until a month AFTER I had applied....I did much research, ( ok. I'm slightly RETENTIVE .. lol) and I have just THIS WEEK decided on one of my carry guns..it's  to be a small .380 ACP..

Now.. and this is totally out of character for me.............I just ordered 1500 rounds of AMMO.. for I gun caliber I DON'T EVEN OWN YET !!!..   WHY DO THAT... ??

No.. I'm not paranoid..

Seriously.. I'm 61 .. I grew up in the 50-60's. spent time in the military.. ran my own business for 35 years..( still do a little), I have served and worked in and helped build up and gotten rewarded by this incredible free enterprise system.. and  I have watched this country that I have served, and was willing to die for and STILL am willing to die for.... change... and not for the better.. I don't mean huge changes all at once.. just little by little.. over years and years.. it's an erosion that is hardly noticeable.. until you stand back and really look at what has happened in our country and what we have lost... and now.. it's starting to happen faster and faster..

Liberals will ruin this country.. and they , honestly think, it's the right direction to go.

Liberalism is a disease ,a form of defective mental health.. I'm not kidding.. and that is why it is so hard.. almost impossible to combat.  

You hear all the time about countries that their citizens have been forced to give up their firearms ... then they are abused.. in every way!!!

Think it can't happen HERE ???? Guess again.. my guess is will be tried!!!...

 the question is..

will we let them !!!

The battle ..right now..RIGHT NOW  is up in DC..in the halls of congress. in the offices and minds of those we ... WE.. elected.. are you calling them.. flooding their offices with your opinions.. it is SO important to do that.. NOW !!! and don't stop.. cause the other side is not !!! 

Will the battle  ever be taken to the streets ??? If so.. I hope I don't live long enough to see THAT ..

I hope and pray NOT....

but you never know.  

WE , the armed citizenry, have to be responsible in our carrying... and we have to be ready to defend those around us if and when some crazy tries to shot up a school or church or super market or mall... because that ,( the gun toting nut job criminals),is what the LEFT uses to legislate and justify in their minds the taking away of ALL guns.. But if we are responsible and ready and out in society.. we can make a difference.. the head lines don't have to read... "nut-job shoots up mall, 34 dead ".. but  "CCW permit holder STOPS nut job from shooting up mall before police can arrive " .

If you haven't applied to get a concealed carry permit.. do it..

If you haven't joined a gun lobby, like the NRA... do it..

If you haven't called your congressperson or senator and voiced your feelings on MORE gun legislating..  DO IT !!

My son ran a Congresswoman's office in DC for 6 years.. it makes a HUGEdifference in how that rep votes if they hear from their constituents on an certain issue..



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February 17, 2009 - 8:15 am
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wdelack said:

"Every gun that I haven't sold were either stolen or lost in a boating accident….Wink"

stolen should leave a paper trail..  HOWEVER.........

'boating accident".. boating accident!!!!!!...HHHMMMmmmmmm....

I had not thought of that one...

 good thought wdelack..

The possibilites are ...........endless....


Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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February 17, 2009 - 11:56 am
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Wayne, you're absolutely right, I will get on it right away.  I agree about the slow erosion that's been happening & have e-mailed my congressmen many times in the past over various issues including gun rights…but all the while, have felt the need to keep my head down & remain inconspicuous.

I guess I have remained mostly silent for too long though…I'll rectify my procrastination right away.

If I am in a situation where some A-hole is shooting up the place, I am not going to just sit there & take it, I would want to able to shoot back & have the warm satisfaction of having done it legally.

Besides, that way I'll be able to fondle a handgun more often than I already do.Cool


Dusty Trail
Round Rock, Texas
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February 17, 2009 - 12:23 pm
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Panther - every word right on the money!!  Thank you for a great summary.

For anyone cruising this thread, this is serious and what Panther wrote is incredibly accurate (IMHO) about the decay of our country - and the accelerating nature of it.

Why all people don't see it?  It's a good question, but it is reality and our country is in real trouble.

As far as Concealed Carry is concerned, remember this: "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away..."


Dans Club
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February 17, 2009 - 5:08 pm
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This has never been a big CCW forum, I'm sure we are all on one or more that are. My favorite signature line of all time is from a guy on MP-Pistol.com, who says:

"I carry a gun because I can't carry a cop"

Anyone that is interested in a very good shooting (combat and defensive) forum might want to check out:


Todd Green is one of the most knowledgeable, thoughtful, and insightful trainers I have seen on the Web.

BTW: Sorry for the thread hi-jack, I have a short attention span


I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin

Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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February 17, 2009 - 8:25 pm
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Thanks for the link Steve, I'm going to go check it out.

That guy's sig line is funny, for sure.Laugh

Dusty Trail
Round Rock, Texas
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February 17, 2009 - 10:21 pm
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Thanks for the link Steve.  Excellent site - ton of good information!

I like the line!

Reading, PA
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March 22, 2009 - 1:49 pm
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All my guns, less 2 hand-me-down single shot shotguns, were purchased legally with all appropriate paper work and background checks.

As per PA law:

  • Long guns aren't registered unless they have a barrel length of less than 16" in which case they require a federal ATF tax stamp (same stamp required for supressors, full autos.. etc.). 
  • If legally purchased, all handguns are and have been registered for decades. 
  • The only paperwork on file for long guns is that that your dealer filled out which remains in his possession. 
  • All information obtained during the background check is destroyed in 30 days as well as any record that it was done.

Since the election, I have purchased 3 ARs (1 complete and 2 receivers) and a min-14.  All legally purchased and none are on file anywhere other than the dealers that I purchased them from.  It's up to my dealer to do the "right thing" should Big Brother want to know who purchased what guns... and I think most of them would.

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