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I Luv NY !
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December 29, 2011 - 10:38 am
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Hope the NRA gets involved, I'll be watching to see how this turns out.




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December 29, 2011 - 11:22 am
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It´s unfortunate, but CCW permit holders carry a lot of responsibilities when they start packing a loaded handgun, one is knowing which states reciprocate and which do not.  I don´t think there´s anything the NRA can do here other than maybe provide her with an attorney who can negotiate a plea.  Hopefully she can plea bargain her way to a reduced sentence, but either way it looks lke she´s hit with a felony and likely will never be able to legally own a firearm again. 



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Dans Club
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December 29, 2011 - 6:21 pm
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yell  We need a national reciprocity act or law so that if you have a valid permit to carry in your home state, others would be obliged to honor it even in their state.  I live in PA and almost all the neighboring states dont' recognize our permits, except West Virginia and only a few miles of it share a border with PA.  New Jersey and New York are the worst, don't even get caught with a handgun in the car even if unloaded and in the trunk, or you'll be in the pokey.  No hollow point ammo either, verboten!  I think this woman should be given some slack, perhaps a stiff fine and a "don't do that agian in our state" warning or something like that.  After all, she didn't try to smuggle it thru, she was trying to be above board.  She doesn't deserve to be treated like a thug (who probablly has an illegal hand gun). Agreed she was stupid for not knowing the rules before she got to NY.  BTW, I wonder how she got to NY, by bus?  I can't imagine she flew with that gun.

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Dans Club
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December 29, 2011 - 10:02 pm
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If the NRA or anyone else can do anything about this, it will be bigger than the Heller -vs- DC decision.

Ignorance of the law is not a defense

She is screwed!

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin


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December 29, 2011 - 10:37 pm
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Before you drive anywhere know the law!  Kansas and neighboring states including Texas will allow concealed. Look at Illinois that state is way off base!  


 Hope others don't fall in the trap!  She could have carried it never saying a word and walked away after!  


Rod Slinger
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December 30, 2011 - 2:10 am
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This is more proof that we are loosing all of our common sense in this country.  Why do we treat good people like criminals and let criminals walk?  Sad very sad.  R S

Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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December 30, 2011 - 10:20 am
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Freakin' nazi nanny states!yell The very idea that she could face 3.5 years for this is simply appalling. Rod's right, it seems that common sense is becoming more rare with each passing day.

Salem, Virginia
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December 30, 2011 - 10:32 am
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harly said:

It´s unfortunate, but CCW permit holders carry a lot of responsibilities when they start packing a loaded handgun, one is knowing which states reciprocate and which do not. 

I have to agree with Harly and others it is her responsibility to know the law.  With that being said all the more reason not to visit NY!  Here is a link to a cool map where you can check who your state has reciprocity with.

Now what I want to know is what's up with AL and GA for not accepting VA permits!  Looks like a Florida Non-Resident Permit may be in order.

Overland Park, KS
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December 30, 2011 - 3:23 pm
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I'm afraid she is screwed.  I can understand that she should have know the law, but the sad part is she shouldn't have to check each state and locality for gun laws through which she might pass.  


When I first read the 2nd Amendment, it only took a couple of readings for me to be certain that militia and people are two different groups and that individuals certainly have a right to bear arms.  Its wording is so simply elegant that one has to make a really twisted, almost psychotic, argument to claim otherwise.  And it ends with four simple words, "Shall not be infringed".


Which gets to my point.  Somewhere, somebody, is going to challenge ownership restrictions.  The challenge becomes more likely as the ridiculous of the restrictions increase.  Throw in Washington, DC being ordered to pay attorneys fees in Heller.  Maybe hers will be the case.  I hope a great attorney steps up and helps her out.  


You know, this case is so extreme that even the New York Democrats are worriedly asking for mercy for this woman.  (Reported on foxnews.com today)  

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December 30, 2011 - 5:17 pm
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yell  We need a national reciprocity act or law so that if you have a valid permit to carry in your home state, others would be obliged to honor it even in their state. 

h.r. 822 proposes just that.  It just cleared the House last month and is stalled in the Senate now.  For those of you who don´t know about it, please research it and learn about it, then write your senator to support it.

Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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December 31, 2011 - 1:58 am
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Jody said:

Here is a linkto a cool map where you can check who your state has reciprocity with.

As much as I bemoan my State sometimes, I'm definitely glad to live in an area of the map with some of the nation's most relaxed & common sense gun laws.smile Not to say that we don't have the usual attempts month-by-month (year after year) from the anti's to squelch our rights, but I am proud that in my state, common sense seems to prevail. Hopefully it will continue to do so into the far reaching future.


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Dans Club
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December 31, 2011 - 11:27 am
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I must say, and I know this may be unpopular, that this woman was remiss in living up to her responsibilities as a person CCW'ing. She has the responsibility to know and understand the situations that she will be in while carrying a pistol, and be prepared to properly function in those situations. For any responsible shooter/CCW to travel into NY/NYC carrying a pistol is incomprehensible to me, and I have to wonder what other things this woman was unaware of.

I favor Nationwide Reciprocity, but there is no Constitutional guarantee to protect the Right to be Stupid. This person gave us all a nationwide black eye, and she needs to be accountable under the existing laws for her actions. She committed a felony, and again, ignorance of the law is not a defense.

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin

Rod Slinger
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December 31, 2011 - 7:23 pm
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Steve everything you posted is correct.  I am sure that giving this lady 3 years in prison is equally correct.  But is it right?  Is it right in a state like New York that chooses to enforce some laws and not others? 

I will share a true story that happen to me.  If I had done what was right I may not own a gun at this time in my life.  Just by the grace of God this turned out OK.  Having had a permit sense the 70's I have gotten in the habit of carrying a hand gun.  I was driving north on I 65 in the city limits of Clarksville when a deer jump in the path of my car and it and me wound up in the medium.  The deer was trying to go back into on coming traffic.  I reached for my gun to stop the deer and possibly save some lives.  I then found that I had left the gun at home.   I later call the county prosecutor and asked what would have happen if I had dispatched the deer to save the possibility of a large wreck. He told me I would be arrested and placed on trail and would not have to worry about carrying a gun ever again.  Although I had carried a gun for 40 years I was not aware of this law.  Like this lady you can say correctly I should have known.  Having said this and if I had known the danger shooting the deer would have cause me.  I would have shot it.  If I had done nothing and someone had been killed could I live with this?   Posted with much respect for you Steve.  I just wanted to show another side to the issue.   R S

Charger Fan
Northern Utah


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January 1, 2012 - 3:28 am
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I love the crack about "after Graves was arrested, police found a white substance in her purse". 

What a crock. I guess all forms of makeup remover now need to be colored uhhh…green? Brown? Grey? Ophirhellsakes, what's the acceptable color this month??surprised Yes that's a real word…on some planetslaugh

Ok, so…

As an American citizen who presumably has the same rights of freedom in all 50 states (not the current 2011 plan of nit-picking & micro-managing those rights from one state line to the next), I, myself  would expect a certain amount of leniency. If I suddenly found myself in a situation where a perfectly natural occurrence in my home state (or any sane state for that matter) may have been looked upon as an honest mistake, I would expect a certain amount of level-headed leniency & ultimate judgment.

I mean, she didn't whip it out & start blazing away, right??

From what I've read, it's hard to label this as a stupid act, or even merely naive in the moment. Ok, it may be argued as a naivety, but still. So this is what it is…a moment…a short span of time to make a rational decision, right? Maybe if she had time to think about (and research) her judgment, she may have come to a more reasoned solution. But in the (placing myself in a line of people here & not wanting to hold up the procession) moment, she had to make a quick decision…"do I abide by the posted rules & surrender my firearm?" or "what they don't know won't hurt them…and wow, I'd love an ice cream cone right about now". 

My personal solution in this scenario would have probably been plan "b", and let the cards fall where they may. Mmmm…ice cream!wink

The way I read the situation, is that she tried to abide by the rules posted on the sign in front of her & offered to temporarily surrender her firearm. I see no harm & certainly no foul in this action.

Not to mention an abhorrent (lapse in judgment or otherwise) decision worthy of a potential 3.5 years prison sentence?!?!?!!!

Gimme a break.

Simply put…this is ludicruous. I can't think of a better or "more smooth"  word right now, sorry.


To me, the only "felony" that has been committed here, has been committed by the state…the (nazi bastards) of New York City. Anything else in the fallout here is merely a glossing over of political correctness run amok & undue complacency of the average citizen, in my view.

But that's just me & my opinion…here in Utah…far away from this mess…for this month, at least.surprised Sniff, sniff-.-.- I smell…something out there.

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January 1, 2012 - 9:29 am
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OK, lets just go back in time before all bureaucratic BS and political


(I know I am gonna take a  whippingbut here it is  )


You ride into town and see a sign posted at the city limits "no firearms

allowed" you go to the Sheriff and turn in your guns, when you leave town

you pick them back up and be on your way. 


Constitutional rights is all I got to say, and repeat, I hope the NRA gets





Overland Park, KS
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January 1, 2012 - 12:48 pm
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Hi Steve,


Unpopular?  Probably but nobody here should think ill of you for your view.  I know I don't and I understand your view.  What troubles me with your view is it puts the onus on the individual citizen.  At first blush that sounds reasonable but there are so many laws with so many details that it is impossible to know them all.  Here is an example.  I just learned today that under the Gun Free School Zone rules, my 10/22 has to be in a locked container, not just out of my reach and that a CCW won't suffice.  Long guns have to be in a locked container.  That 1,000' range is the catch.  I can't drive out of my neighborhood without being within a 1,000' of a school, never mind that at the corner I can just barely see a small vacant corner of school property.  How the heck was I supposed to know that?  The only way I found out is because somebody else on another forum asked the question.  I thought my CCW covered it, but apparently it doesn't.  So today I'll go and buy a lockable case for a 30 year old rifle.


And it used to be you had to have intent to be guilty, but lawmakers have been throwing that out over the last 5 years.  And to make matters worse, regulations can have the same weight as law in some circumstances.  My point is legality has become so complex that not even lawyers, LEO's, lawmakers and regulators know the rules.  So it is very reasonable to expect numerous unintentional "violations" and the cost of an unintentional violation is thousands of dollars of legal fees, incarceration, branding as a criminal and loss of second amendment rights.  The minimum penalties are way too harsh, IMO.


She gave all of us a blackeye?  Again, I respectfully disagree.  She showed the desire to be law-abiding.  That doesn't embarass me at all.  The legislators who wrote a 3.5 year minimum sentence for a law that might not withstand a constitutional challenge should be embarassed.  Basically they are saying they don't care what the second amendment says and they are willing to make classify as a criminal anyone who disagrees with them.  Gee, we don't allow bullying in schools, why should self-righteous legislators be allowed to bully honest citizens?  I know I sound angry and please realize my anger/disgust is not with you but with the legislators who wrote that stupid law.  I can only hope that this is the catalyst that causes New Yorkers to demand the law be changed.


Dans Club
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January 1, 2012 - 1:12 pm
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I don't take anyone's opinion personally, and emotionally and philosophically agree with all that has been said. The laws need to change, if anyone is going to challenge the law by breaking the law, they need to be prepared to accept the consequences.

I want to see these restrictive laws ended, I believe they violate my Constitutional rights.

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

George Carlin

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Northern Utah


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January 1, 2012 - 3:10 pm
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Dang, I babbled on way too long in my post above, sorry about that.embarassed I had partaken in a bit of New Year's cheer (occasion ) last night, and I apparently didn't find my brain's off switch nearly as soon as I should have.screwy When I start inventing new words, that should be my first clue to back away from the keyboard.lol2

Rod Slinger
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January 1, 2012 - 4:50 pm
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Easy fix.  Elect all Dan Wesson forum members to posts in Washington and in four years the government will look like it did in 1950.  That's my stand and I am sticking with it!.  R Sworship

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