November 23, 2011

Jessie Sansone and his daughter, Neaveh, who is shown here drawing a rainbow of mass destruction. (Photo by the Waterloo Region Record)
If a kid brings a gun to school, we understand why cops are called. But apparently the same rules apply if a child so much as draws a picture of a gun.
The online crew here at Guns & Ammo did a spit-take after reading this story from the Hamilton Spectator. According to the report, Kitchener, Ontario, resident Jessie Sansone, 26, was arrested, taken to the police station and strip-searched after his 4-year-old daughter, Neaveh, drew a picture at school of a man holding a gun.
When teachers asked her what she was drawing, Neaveh replied, “That’s my daddy’s. He uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters.”
Apparently, the make-believe drawing sent school officials into DEFCON 1. When Sansone arrived to pick Neaveh up from school, he was called to the principal’s office where three officers were waiting. They then placed him under arrest and escorted him from the school — all without an explanation.
Meanwhile, the report said, officers arrived at his home where Sansone’s wife, Stephanie Squires, was waiting with their 15-month-old. Squires was taken to the police station, while Family and Children’s Services took the couple’s other three children for interviews.
“Nobody was given any explanation,” said Squires. “I didn’t know why he was being arrested. He had absolutely no idea what this was even about. I just kept telling them. ‘You’re making a mistake.’”
That didn’t stop officers from strip searching Sansone after telling him he was being charged with possession of a firearm — which at that point, still had not been found in the home.
“I was getting pretty scared at that point,” Sansone said. “It seemed like I was actually being charged at this point.”
But the gun ultimately proved to be nonexistent, and a detective apologized to Sansone before finally explaining why he had been placed under arrest — several hours later.
Still, officials from the school, police department and family services all stood by their actions, despite the fact no gun ever showed up in Sansone’s home.
“From a public safety point of view, any child drawing a picture of guns and saying there’s guns in a home would warrant some further conversation with the parents and child,” said Alison Scott, executive director of Family and Children’s Services. “… Our community would have an expectation if comments are made about a gun in a house, we’d be obligated to investigate that to ensure everything is safe. In the end, it may not be substantiated. There may be a reasonable explanation for why the child drew that gun. But we have to go on what gets presented to us.”
It was unclear whether officials searched for the monsters Neaveh mentioned as well — which we’re sure are more of a public threat than any handgun, a nonexistent one, at that.
Look, we understand Canada does things a little differently than the U.S., but for God’s sake, could officers and government officials at least act like they’re part of a civilized society when carrying out their asinine, draconian laws? The accused was never informed what had sparked the investigation — nor was his wife — until hours later. Even at the very beginning, the least the teacher could have done was ask Neaveh if her dad actually had a gun in the home.
We won’t hold this against the Great White North — we still enjoy moose hunts, Niagra Falls and the NHL’s punchline, the Maple Leafs — but this just goes to show what can go wrong when society universally villifies handguns.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Oh My! How such a few years change things.. I can still remember drawing photos of farm tractors, trucks and yes..guns while sitting in study halls passing the time. My seventh grade demonstration speech in front of the class was on the topic, you ready for this... How to properly clean a gun! I actually took my 20 Gauge H&R Topper model shotgun to school, dropped it in the intended class and when it was my turn, demonstrated how to dissassemble it, clean it and reassemble then picked it up after school and took it home! This was not sooo many years ago. All the while wearing a 4" lockblade buck knife on my belt all day every day and sporting cowboy boots as normal attire. I am sure I would have been profiled just a few years later, do ya think?
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

I don't know the laws in Canada so forgive my ignorance as I ask a few questions. Is it illegal to have a gun in ones house in Canada? I ask since the article says since no gun was found in the home. What if there had been a LEGAL gun in the house? Does just having a gun in a home with children constitute a crime?
SMF, a guy in my senior class gave his demonstration speech on cleaning a Colt single action army. Just like you, he droped the gun in the priciples office, got it for the class, did the demonstration on cleaning the gun and took the gun home. He got an A and nobody was afraid, CNN wasn't called, no lockdown, NOTHING. This was 1981 in Central PA. Try that today.
Most guys had gun racks in their pickups so they could stop at the game lands on the way home and do some small game or deer hunting. The first day of buck season was a 'holiday' no school, since most of the male students would be absent that day anyway.
If I were the guy in the article, I'd sue the school for invasion of privacy, false arrest and anything else my lawyers could come up with.
There are far too many REAL criminals that aren't getting caught to waste time harrasing someone whos kid drew a picture.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

It's much more restrictive. Click on the "Prohibited" link-OUCH
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

I like that..."shown here drawing a rainbow of mass destruction".
It wasn't very long ago that if a story like this would have been thought up, it would likely have been a scene a movie like Judge Dredd for example, something portraying the decline of society & civilization as a whole. Leaving the viewer to be glad that it's only a movie & that it couldn't possibly happen to you.
But no, now it's real life & in our face. This story is an utterly ludicrous thing to have happen!

May 3, 2011

That's scary to me. I'm glad to be an American. This country makes billions of dollars off of guns sold for all types of recreation. I think of reloading supplies, after-market parts, gunsmiths, magazines, T.V. shows, competitions, Hunting, self defense and the list goes on. There is no telling how many hundreds of thousands of jobs are created because of guns in this country. Thats how America is wired, I don't know about Canada.

September 6, 2011

If certain people have their way the following could turn into a likely event in a case of a robbery or home invasion:
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