DWF Supporters
February 25, 2014

I think Eric & Ole Dog, hit it on the head. There is not near the interest in revolvers compared to autos, and there won't be in the future. Even if the quality is great, it remains to be seen if they can make enough profit to justify producing them. If it wasn't for a large parent company that can afford to take a risk, I don't think this would be happening at all. I think Dan Wesson's are great guns, and I am sure there will be more in my future. But There are many more people wanting newer designs that are much cheaper to produce, than there are wanting yesterdays designs no matter how good they are.

December 3, 2013

LG said
I think Eric & Ole Dog, hit it on the head. There is not near the interest in revolvers compared to autos, and there won't be in the future. Even if the quality is great, it remains to be seen if they can make enough profit to justify producing them. If it wasn't for a large parent company that can afford to take a risk, I don't think this would be happening at all. I think Dan Wesson's are great guns, and I am sure there will be more in my future. But There are many more people wanting newer designs that are much cheaper to produce, than there are wanting yesterdays designs no matter how good they are.
What do you think would happen if Colt produced a thousand new Pythons? I think they would sell well and at a premium.

October 13, 2009

Yes, I agree a new run of Pythons would sell well even if priced high-for the simple matter they're a Colt and uh, the zombie guys want 'em now! Why couldn't he have used a Dan Wesson?!
Crazy either the military has to use it, or people have to see it on TV in order to want it!

DWF Supporters
February 25, 2014

rsm,I think they would sell, but to what degree I don't know. First off, you are comparing apples and oranges so to speak. Colt was a long lived and large company, and though there is no debate on the quality of their guns, they priced themselves out of business. Their revolvers were almost handmade. If they made them today like they used to, they would probably sell for 2500 or more. Dan Wesson was never that big nor as long lived. More of a niche company. There are those of us that love them, but alot more that know little about them, and would probably buy what they are more familiar with.

August 28, 2009

Just a quick note to those of you considering purchasing the newly released 715's. It appears that this release was all "Factory Blems" and a lot of the sellers are not disclosing it. Even though the gun may appear to be cosmetically and functionally perfect, the fact that it is frame-stamped as a "blem" in itself makes it a a factory "second". I've had sellers tell me "I looked over the whole gun and can't find anything wrong with it. Well that's all fine and great but the fact that it's stamped with an upside down "Y" after the serial # constitutes a factory defect!! Just another case of non-disclosure scamming. BEWARE!!

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

December 3, 2013

harly said
Just a quick note to those of you considering purchasing the newly released 715's. It appears that this release was all "Factory Blems" and a lot of the sellers are not disclosing it. Even though the gun may appear to be cosmetically and functionally perfect, the fact that it is frame-stamped as a "blem" in itself makes it a a factory "second". I've had sellers tell me "I looked over the whole gun and can't find anything wrong with it. Well that's all fine and great but the fact that it's stamped with an upside down "Y" after the serial # constitutes a factory defect!! Just another case of non-disclosure scamming. BEWARE!!
Thanks! I was coming to the same conclusion after reading the gun description on Gunbroker.com from a dealer in PA. Wonder what these dealers paid for the guns?

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

October 1, 2012

I saw that at least some of these were advertised as "Blems" and was very surprised. Putting anything out the door that is less than perfect is not the way you want to re-introduce a product line. Especially if you want to develope a new generation of DW customers or..... feed the DWAS of the existing group of fans. ???????

August 28, 2009

lbruce said
Do we know that all 200 are blem guns or just some of them?
One of the sellers indicated that his rep advised him they were all marked as "Blems". I spoke to CZ about it and the rep. at CZ believed most if not all were "Blems". The telltale marking is the upside down "Y".

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Here's a wild thought: Factory had a fire, had to relocate, found these unsold guns lying around, and said:
"Ah Hah" let's reintroduce the 715 and sell off this overpriced inventory. Just to protect ourselves, mark them as "blems", don't talk about it and hope for the best."
The folks at DW are probably pretty good people, but they likely can't overcome the "bottom feeders" that run CZ. FWIW, a "bottom feeder" swims around the lake/river/stream and feeds on whatever settles to the bottom, and we all know what settles to the bottom. The Crap!
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

December 3, 2013

Steve CT said
Here's a wild thought: Factory had a fire, had to relocate, found these unsold guns lying around, and said:"Ah Hah" let's reintroduce the 715 and sell off this overpriced inventory. Just to protect ourselves, mark them as "blems", don't talk about it and hope for the best."
The folks at DW are probably pretty good people, but they likely can't overcome the "bottom feeders" that run CZ. FWIW, a "bottom feeder" swims around the lake/river/stream and feeds on whatever settles to the bottom, and we all know what settles to the bottom. The Crap!
One seller on Gunbroker said the cases were marked "BLEM". If that is so, the deceit seems to be with some sellers, not the factory. Be interesting to know what the wholesale price was from DW.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Well this isn't good news. I guess I'll find out in a few days since I bit on one of those 'good deals' on GB. The seller didn't mention it as a blem, and I didn't ask since I didn't know about this until today. I saw one ad mentioning a blem and I didn't bid on that one. BUT, it they are all blems, then I think the sellers should disclose that up front. I don't know that I'll be generous with the feedback if it turns out to be so marked.
Wonder why CZ/DW would put out 200 'pre production' blems? Seems like a great way to screw up a good thing to me.
I'll let you know.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

December 3, 2013

Well this isn't good news. I guess I'll find out in a few days since I bit on one of those 'good deals' on GB. The seller didn't mention it as a blem, and I didn't ask since I didn't know about this until today. I saw one ad mentioning a blem and I didn't bid on that one. BUT, it they are all blems, then I think the sellers should disclose that up front. I don't know that I'll be generous with the feedback if it turns out to be so marked.
Wonder why CZ/DW would put out 200 'pre production' blems? Seems like a great way to screw up a good thing to me.
I'll let you know.
From here?
Scroll towards the bottom of the page.

June 25, 2013

rsm said
Well this isn't good news. I guess I'll find out in a few days since I bit on one of those 'good deals' on GB. The seller didn't mention it as a blem, and I didn't ask since I didn't know about this until today. I saw one ad mentioning a blem and I didn't bid on that one. BUT, it they are all blems, then I think the sellers should disclose that up front. I don't know that I'll be generous with the feedback if it turns out to be so marked.
Wonder why CZ/DW would put out 200 'pre production' blems? Seems like a great way to screw up a good thing to me.
I'll let you know.From here?
Scroll towards the bottom of the page.
Wow, I don't quite know what to think. If you blow up the pic of the serial # side of the gun in the above link, (control+), I seem to see a washed or scrubbed out upside down Y!
Endeavor to persevere,
Press on regardless.
Need little, want less, love more.

August 28, 2009

This one wasn't Scorpio's, but this guy's guns are all frame-stamped accordingly. He says he's gone through them all and they're perfect though. . If anyone ever needs to sell one of these guns later on down the road...good look. You can kiss your "investment" goodbye right from the start. He's trying to make you believe that all the "blems" went back to CZ.
"These were listed as factory blems but we went through the big batch that we received and we only kept the perfect guns. We sent the ones with cosmetic marks back to the supplier that we got them through."

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008

Well since DW marked them as blems I guess they have been up front, not sure about the marketing aspect but at least they aren't hiding anything. The dealers that tell you up front are doing the right thing also, those that are covering it up well . Would I buy a blem gun? Sure if priced accordingly. I just hope that when the regular production does come out they are every bit worth what they cost and live up to the Legacy. Only time will tell.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.

December 3, 2013

Ole Dog said
Is there going to be a regular production or is this what we get? Maybe Eric can start making frames too!
The frames would have to be sold thru a FFL holder. Making them would involve the government bureaucracy, something a sane man wouldn't want to be bothered with.
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