Range Officers
February 25, 2009
Yeah PA is decent about CC permits. I just go to the Sheriffs dept, show them my NY permit, give them $25.00, they run a background check and give me a permit. Good for 5 years. It's handy having two different state permits.
The Gander Mt in Buffalo offers the Utah permit class and I have thought about getting that also.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
~Thomas Jefferson~
November 14, 2009
Update! Like I said before, out town will issue a permit to carry and with that I apply for the state permit to carry.
Stopped by to see the Resident State Trooper (we are a small town and use Residents instead of our own police force) He was very nice and accommodating. Explained all the paperwork, the money part, and what I needed.
In the past, we needed a letter of reference, no longer needed, but if one is needed the seller of the 744V just happens to be on the Board of Police Commissioners for another town so got that one covered.
Also, the Resident Trooper said he has the authority to waive the NRA Handgun Course. I showed him that I have one from 1981, also have hunting license, and also have handguns. So he said no need to have to pay for a $75 fee for a class.
In the end, he was very nice and it was unexpected. This trooper served papers on my son, many years ago. That's another story.
Happyness is a Hot DW and a pile of used brass!!! Rich
November 14, 2009
Went to see the Resident Trooper today to provide paperwork and finger prints for permit to carry. Both the wife and I are applying. I mentioned that I had a permit to carry befor and it expired. He made one phone call and said, he will run my background and if everything is OK will give me a permit to carry for Salem, CT, then I can go to the state Public Safety Department to get a State of Connecticut permit to carry.
My wife did all her paperwork and got finger printed today, he says 6 to 9 weeks for her.
Happyness is a Hot DW and a pile of used brass!!! Rich
December 1, 2009
WA is shall issue as well. I actually just renewed mine today. 55 to 62 bucks for first issue, depends on sheriff office, prices vary buy county/city, price includes FBI finger print process. No class just 5 min worth of paperwork. Good for 5 years, can renew 90 before expiration for 32 bucks or 90 after expiration for 42. I could not believe how many people were there getting their permit for first time, 8 people walked in while I was filling out papework, all first timers.
‘‘To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them...’’ nn— Richard Henry Lee, 1787
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
The local paper noted the other day in it's headline that "Gun Permitting is up 50%"
Interesting that the rationale is that crime is down, so people don't really need the guns. Maybe crime is down because people have the guns, I'm just sayin'.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Range Officers
February 25, 2009
November 28, 2009
I know that we have members from Wisconsin and they have stated that OUR GOVENOR HAS VETOED THE BILL 2 NOW! But has anyone else talked with your local police department about open carry? I know that I had a conversation with my local Chief of police and this is what he had to say. " Open Carry is permitted is Wisconsin " however depending on the circumstances to any 911 calls that they receive depends on how the PD will respond. Say at Walmart the call more than likely is there is a man with a gun. If we receive this type of call then we are going to respond to as if it was a treat. However just because open carry is permitted in the Great State of Wisconsin does mean that you can carry a loaded firearm in a vehicle. With that being said if you go to walmart then you have get your firearm out and load and this could be taken as a treat by the public and calls are more than likely going to come in. Now I walk my dog and I did tell the Chief of Police that while I walk my dog I do carry a loaded fire arm considering my dog is full grown and weighs 13lbs I will defend my property and all though I don't consider my dog my property more as family I will shoot anything that proposes harm to the dog or I. The conversation was pleasant and alot was explained. Now it's time to get a governor that will allows us or CWP.
"I don't believe in repeat offenders I believe in dead offenders." Ted Nugent
November 10, 2009
SHOOTIST357 said:
PA was probably the easiest state I ever got one in (let it expire--big mistake). FL was a pain and $$$. I still haven't got one in CO....maybe soon.
What was the pain in the $$$ about Fla ? I did not find it to be that difficult.
The instructor came to my house, did his course, Did my paper work and made sure all was correct and did the picture for my license. Yes I had to go get my fingers dirty and it cost some ging, but difficult no. Only thing that sucked was the wait time, at the time it was around sixty days but now people are waiting 90 days and longer due to a back log of applicants. But I have lived here all my life and find Fla to be alot less pain in the A$$ than alot of anti gun states. I am retired now and spend alot of time letting politicians know how I feel about my 2nd amendment right, it may be a waste of time but it gives me a past time to go along with gun collecting and shooting. Silent wheels get no grease !
November 14, 2009
Finally caught up with the Resident State Trooper today. He said he was unavailable last week because he was sick, and he still sounded sick today.
He said, come on over and he will issue a town permit to carry. So I got that and went to Troop E in Montville, CT. Within 15 minutes, I have a State of Connecticut permit to carry. Now I can get my Dan Wessons!!!
I think I'll go for the Stainless Steel 44 mag first.
Happyness is a Hot DW and a pile of used brass!!! Rich
June 16, 2010
I live in Tn now. Here you have to take a course, $90.00, and apply to the state ,$125. Then you wait about 90 days. I do not have a permit in Tn.
I moved here from Al. There you go to the sheriff's office and pay $25. They take your photo and you get your permit in the mail in a few days. Alabama has no major problem with crime or guns. So, what does all of this other stuff get you?
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