January 24, 2009
I know this is short notice, but the vote for first big push on Cap & Trade is this Friday! Of sourse, they've changed the terminology to "the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009"...or even simply "Waxman-Markey" but regardless of what they call this wolf in disguise, it's NOT good for any of us!
Find your State Representatives here & let them know which way to vote! We surround THEM, folks!
January 24, 2009
Well, by a narrow margain…it passed. Why am I not surprised???And once again, as with the “stimulus bills”, the 1,000+ page plan was thrown at the Senators mere hours before they were expected to vote on the stinkin' thing! What kind of crap is that? Those people haven't read the proposed bill, how are they supposed to vote on it?
Simply astonishing.
Every single thing that our government has done for the last year or so (yes, this includes Dubya in his last few months in office), has been aimed straight at ruining what is left of our once great country!! UN-believable!
And you know what? We "little folks" are just along for the ride. They are going to continue to do whatever they freakin' please...doesn't matter how much fuss we make.
One of the radio talk show people I was listening to this morning was interviewing a guy who said that because of cap-n-trade, over the next few years our electric bills will increase by 100% from what they're at today…natural gas by 60%, on & on.
I don't know about you guys, but it scares me to imagine where this is all going to end…or what this place will look like in another 10 short years, even!
Signed…NOT happy, in Utah.
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
We must always remember that they KNOW they don't work for us, and that they are not accountable to us. They work for themselves, sort of like Private Contractors, and when the contract comes up for bid (re-election) they spend enormous amounts of money, slap lipstick on the pig, and get the contract (re-elected).
When it's all over, we end up with a not so attractive slab of bacon that won't keep our lights on.
Also (and still) angry in Connecticut
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
January 4, 2009
OK... #1.. I know who is REALLY in control of all this.. GOD !!.
Only he knows the future and he controls everything about it so that it will fit his plan for YOU and ME and this Nation and the World...
having said that... I hate what is happening in DC... just hate it... everything you guys have said is true.. we ARE NOT being fairly represented in Congress.. What can we do about this... first of all Work like you have never worked before to get responsible people elected to the congress and Senate next elections... Start now talking to those on the fence and those you know about this.. we have to change the voting and the way our govt is run... if we can... being defeatist is not good for any of us.
An here's the REAL issue...
We have to look at our nation as God looks at us... WE.. yes WE have allowed and are allowing the sinful.. abhorrent practice of sacrificing our children to Satan.. That's correct.. we are allowing our children to be murdered... offered up to Satan in the name of.. "birth control".. in the name of "A woman's right to choose"... I'm talking about abortion... At this point you can close this message.. but consider this....
God is .. IS going to judge us as a nation for allowing this to continue... it is now at the rate of about 4000 babies killed.. EVERY DAY... And God will not let it continue... IF we can't stop it.. HE will !!! So how is he going to do that....
I submit to you gentlemen... that we are seeing it happen before our very eyes... it is not too late.. yes.. we can stop it... but it will take keeping our eyes open to the truth and hard work... the current crop of DC politicians.. on both sides of the aisle are guilty. We have to elect people to represent us that will stop this madness.. and until we do.. you can expect it, the madness, to continue... period.. it IS a single issue. I believe that if we can get that issue resolved.. we will see other judgements lifted from us as a nation.. but if not... well.. God is not happy... believe it or not..
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