January 26, 2015

Here are a few of my toys.
Winchester 1300 20g youth/compact and Heritage arms Rough Rider .22 single action. I swapped the plain jane hardwood out for a camo laminate set on the Winchester to match the grips that came with the Rough Rider. The buttstock is actually adult sized but the pump remains a youth 2 3/4 slide tube. Being a small individual with short arms this arrangement works out well with the pump being closer to the receiver. One of these days I still might slice the back of the adult stock down to the youth length of pull. Both the 20g and .22 are a joy to shoot and are basically range toys for the most part. Easy on the wallet and shoulder/wrists Utilizing buckshot or slugs the 20g pulls double duty as a home defense tool and I usually keep the .22 mag cylinder ready to go in the Rough Rider as well for same purpose.
These next two are for more serious social situations. The G23 is my go to nightstand/shtf gun. The slide and barrel are nickel boron coated. The thing is stupid uber reliable. The Kel Tec is a small lightweight 9mm pocket rocket. Definitely not a range toy for sure but I periodically take it out for few mags worth just to remind myself how snappy it is. The Galco pocket holster makes for a very good edc arrangement. These two pieces of tupperware have served me extremely well so far.
Speaking of pocket rockets, heres my other one. Sometimes its just easier to drop this in the front pocket when making a trip down the street to check the mail box or running to the corner store for milk etc....... .22 mag is no slouch and I'd not want to be in the path of one.
This is what all the handguns allow me to get back home to hopefully. Spikes Tactical AR15 that I mostly assembled myself. The upper came from Palmetto State Armory. 14.7 with a pinned a2 hider. FN made the barrel and its definitely a shooter. Yes I also drink the Magpul Kool aid. At the time of the photo I had not added the Primary Arms red dot sight on top of the rail. For SHTF, zombies, whatever
These are just a few of my favorite toys here and what usually see the most range time.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 28, 2009

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

these are his other brands, photos, zoommb..
nice little collection, jgwills.
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

January 26, 2015

Here's some night fire of that collection defending the "pretend" zombies lol!
So there are a few pictures of us being us lol. Shooting pretend zombies at night time on my buddies property out away from town. He has a nice setup out there with his shoothouse. Theres also alot of airsoft bbs in that place as we've shot plenty of those as well from those very windows. Lots of fun. Wish we had that High Standard/DW up and running. I would have loved to see the fireballs that a full house .357 mag would have generated.
Hope you don't mind me sharing.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

January 26, 2015

Having trouble with the videos ........... I'll sort that out later.
Yes we've done alot of airsoft and paintball in that shoot house of his. Live rounds only go outbound and in two specific directions. The way his property is laid out there are neighbors close enough around him from the nw to the east so we are limited towards north, ne area area of the land. You can't see being dark but beyond that outer fence line theres a nice earth berm back there just under 100 yards for good measure but no dwellings are within several 1000 yards in that direction. With the berm and thick south texas brush in between us and those folks its the safest place for us to do that type of stuff. Figured I'd clear that up and get it out of the way.
Even though its just us pretending we still value the importance of safety, muzzle awareness etc........ If someone yells cease firining or cold range we make it clear to everyone involved check chambers, leave actions open, safeties on and no one handles anything while someone is out there taping targets or clay pigeons in place. We strive to keep a range like atmosphere out there when shooting. Going to a proper range and sitting all day working on groups is always beneficial but something mildly dynamic like this is different. It gets the heart rate going for sure.
Now the airsoft and paintball games we've had out there another story. Even though they are just standing in for mock firearms having live targets that move and shoot back takes it to another level. While not lethal still stings quite a bit and I believe there is alot of good value from doing that. While we are not professionals and do things our way it never hurts to work on your skill set. When the you know what is about to hit the fan it's going to do you no good to sort your gear out on the fly. You have to be prepared and know your rigs good to go for the most part. Thats why we do stuff like we did tonight. Watching the videos of ourselves especially my fumbling of the shotgun makes me realize what I need to work on.

January 26, 2015

Sorry for the crappy camera quality we had. It doesn't fare well in low to zero light but they came out enough to get the idea across. Enjoy

Dans Club
April 18, 2014

Looks like a lotta fun..
Oath Keeper #021479 NRA #206814004
Member AAGSR Member AGA #83120600233
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Range Officer

Dans Club

Range Officers
July 2, 2011


January 24, 2009

January 26, 2015

Newest addition to my arsenal. Superb condition FNP9. I had to have it.
Came with all the case candy.
Add a TLR1 and its a great nightstand gun option.
Fits perfectly in my old Sig p228 left hand holster. Also a great carry option.
Really excited about this addition. Can't wait to go put some down range through it.
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