Dans Club
March 28, 2023

So I was so happy to see another Titan Mark ll show up under Mitchell Arms this week! Of course nobody knows about it but me. Just keep my mouth shut and I will steel it for under $500 right? Also it had what looks to me like a LB Dan Wesson grip. And to top it off I just happened to buy on eBay last week a lot that had two Titan grips I have never seen one for sale in two years so the chances of that got to be 10,000 to one. now I had a correct real original Titan grip to put on this rare gun and nobody but me knows about it! also why do people wait until the last minute to bid on GB guns. I never really understood it. Does not do you a bit of good because of the 15 minute rule on Gunbroker! It makes sense on eBay, you can bid with 10 seconds left and sometimes steel a item out from under someone since they have very little time to throw another bid at it but Gunbroker you get 15 extra minutes to bid as soon as a bid in put in! Anyway my bid was $408 for the last 3 days we got down to 10 minutes left I had a bid of $850 just to be extra sure and sure enough i'm out bid at $875. Well I had set aside $1050 for the gun that was my highest bid so I threw $1050 at it hoping the grip is a LB so making it a good buy still. Sebz66bl comes back and runs it up to $938 and then he is out! So who knows is it someone who knows what this rare gun is or was it the sellers friend running it up! If he really knows what it was fine I can live with that I just wish I knew! I'm still happy I got it under my high bid I had set aside for gun and also low shipping no CC fees! gun is in good condition and if the grip is a LB then it's a super good deal after all. I just can't get past the fact that I thought I had one of those great deals and nobody knew about it! Any members see this gun for sale this week? That would make me feel better! Anyway let's hope it's a LB I can throw my original grip on the gun and I even have an original Mitchell box for it! I wonder if the Dan Wesson grip was the giveaway that let this other bidder know what the gun really was? You know me I love these rare guns that were re-branded Dan Wessons and I already had the Mark lll and added a Mark ll. Happy days! I got the 3 grip lot for $100 on a make offer last week, sold the wood grip and one of the rubber Titan grips and then saw the gun for sale and took the other grip down!!!
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Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

I have that same grip on a 714 fixed barrel. It's a DW Zebra, not an LB. Nice rare grip none the less. Nice score on the Titan.
I saw it but have some MK II's. I'm looking for MK III's. Lemme know if you put any MK III's for sale.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

I just have the one MK lll These are so rare I don't know when I will see another one. Well nice to know even though it's not a LB it's a pretty rare grip! I guess I can live with it at this price I paid $1150 for my Mark lll but it was new and had the weird serial number. still don't know what it was a special order gun ir what? Serial # K000001

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

I think you did fine at that price. I agree, the III's are really scarce. I've never seen one come up for sale. Guess I'll have to keep watching. You've got the luck at finding these NIB guns too. I do like to shoot my guns so it would be hard to just put it away. I do have some I don't shoot, but most have been or do get fired. Not often or very many rounds but they get 'exercised' occasionally 😅.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather


January 24, 2009

Congrats on landing that one, Stan. I haven't been on GB for the past few weeks, so I missed it altogether.
I agree that it sucks when someone comes it just before the auction end & runs up the price, I've had that happen quite a few times. I just look at the ones I miss out on as "I guess that one wasn't meant to be".

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

Yea I thought I was going to get it at the bargain bottom price! I thought most buyers don't look under Mitchell Arms only. They had it miss placed for sure they should have listed it under Dan Wesson also. I was thinking I had one nobody knew about! You think with the Dan Wesson grip that would have been a red flag for the seller to also list it under Dan Wesson. Anyway I just wish I knew if this guy was a Dan Wesson guy and really knew about the Titan or a friend of the seller running up the price. There is one other scenario and that is he was a Mitchell Arms collector and he had never seen a Mitchell 357 magnum. I looked at his other purchases and I think that may be it. I hate it that Gunbroker only goes back less than a month now if your trying to research a buyer/seller and click on there sales and purchases it does not stay around very long and you get the derided red "sorry, cannot be found" I did notice he was a non-payer! Fixed?

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

Boy they must be rare. I have never seen another one for sale or on a gun! ebay$$$$ someone bought my rare belt buckle for $159.99 that reduced my price on my First Issue 7445 down to $1690 I did not feel bad the buckle did not match the gun it is marked Monson. It was in the box with the 7445! Sometimes I do not know how to price things so I start high and if it does not sell I lower the price. As I have said before any members who see something I have listed can just PM me here and I will always make a deal off eBay for less!

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

Well it's a rare one! You don't see them very often. Last one I saw was in a pistol pac case that was sold on Gunbroker. It had all kinds of buckles and patches I had never seen before plus the gun. A member here got a smoking deal on that PAC! I was going to bid on it but once I saw he was bidding on it I let him have it. I think it sold for around $1650. It probably had $400 plus in buckles and patches! He got a smoking good deal that Sunday! I would tell you who he was but do not like to throw out members names unless they are ok with it! Lets just say he is very good at sniffing out some really good deals!

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

I came back from the FFL tears in my eyes. That beautiful grip was split from the top down to the medallion! GRRRRRRRRRR My FFL wanted it anyway for his 715 so I ended up trading it for him making my First Issue 744 look like a factory installed Burris scope. He has to drill the shroud twice it already has a hole in the shroud and a hole in the frame. He is going to fix the frame and drill the new scope mount that I got from Kurt B so hopefully when I get it back you will not be able to tell it was not a factory mounted Burris scope! Hope it looks the part! Stay tuned!!! I did put the original grip I had on the Titan it looks great I think it's unfired by the looks of the cylinder and the slam plate. I was able to find a original Mitchell box for it also so both of my Titans have a original box!
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