Dans Club
March 28, 2023

I have been trying to get a pair of the 8 INCH Crusaders for a long time now. They only made 51 each of the 44 magnums and 45 Colts. Made a deal off site so $4200 for the pair shipped no tax. These are so rare and beautiful engraved guns. Matched serial number #21 and in original matching would cases! I am selling my pair of 6 inch for $2600 if anyone is interested and I have one 8 INCH 44 Magnum also for sale $1800 If you notice there is one with a zebra grip one with a plain grip only explanation I got is the 44 magnums came with the zebra. I'm taking the zebra off my other gun so my matched pair will both have zebra's. The 6 inch guns were still very rare only 333 45 Colts were made and 431 of the 44 magnums were made!

Yup, zebra came with the 44 only. I would not put a zebra on the 45. Keep it stock. BTW, I suspect the gold crusader is not 14 carat gold, but gold plated.
Also, Snake-eye and I have shot a 45. We are in a very rare group I think. It was one of mine that had a minor cosmetic flaw. We didn't shoot it enough to ascertain it's accuracy. The bullet did leave the barrel.

Dans Club
December 5, 2008


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

I still do not understand the date. It says on the other part of the gun 50th anniversary 1927 to 1977 also my other one has a different date on the side. This is my single one 8 inch engraved it has 1961 in the same place my others say 1948. It was part of the engraving as the 6 inch guns have nothing in that place. A question may be Ole Dog can answer. The six inch guns are still very nice also.

Dans Club
February 24, 2013

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

So I finally figured out why the guns all have different numbers engraved on the side of the guns. THis was the 50th Anniversary of High Standard (1927-1977) so the made 50 each of there guns one is a 44 Magnum and the matching gun is a 45 Colt. My pair are matching number #21 serial numbers so if you add the first year made 1927+#21 my guns serial number it comes up to 1948 So if you had a separate gun like the single one I was selling it had the number 1961 on the left side so if you look at the serial number on that gun it's serial #34 I'm not sure why they did this but there it is!


January 24, 2009

Dans Club
March 28, 2023

I was going back thru the pics of my Crusaders the 8 inch engraved ones I finally got. I ended up putting the other Zebra grip on the 45 Colt Crusader. Could not help myself it looks so good. Once in a while I have to get these out and look at them. I need to come up with a way to display them in the original cases but I guess I could just put them up on the wall of Fame. There is no room though. I have 21 spots on the wall of Fame and as I add and drop guns from the collection I end up with some in the boxes. I keep the pacs in the cases except the First Issues. Got to sell a few others to make room for the Crusaders they deserve to be up on the wall!

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