Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

A good case of FAAS I see you have there!! Very nice family photo! I have two FA's and they are both quite fine revolvers. I would own more of them if I didn't already possess a case of that has no possibility for a cure. So what is the lineup of the four?? Any hunting stories? Range reports??
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

January 22, 2008

Though I still have a fair number of Dan Wessons, I have been a slave to FAAS here lately.
In the line-up, front to back are:
M97 - .357 Mag
M83 - .454 Casull
M252 - .22LR/WMR
M353 - .357 Mag.
I have been casting infatuating looks at both a customized M83 in .41 Mag and a M757 in .475 Linebaugh.
Note: The models 252, 353, 454, 555 and 757 are all just model 83 with a different designation.
I stopped hunting about 20 years ago. Now it's just paper hole punching, clay pigeons and steel on occasion.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Guys, if any of you are unfamilar with the model 353 you might want to read John Taffin's 'Taffin Test: 353 Casull'. Below is an excerpt from the article:
The 353 Casull is capable of handling loads that are impossible, spelled E-X-T-R-E-M-E-L-Y D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S in other 357 Magnums. With the 353 Casull, the only limitation is the strength of the .357 Magnum brass. Loads for the 353 Casull are assembled in standard .357 Magnum brass and I have used both Federal and Winchester .357 Magnum brass with the same results. Only rifle primers should be used with the pressures involved in loading for the 353 Casull and I strongly recommend Remington #7 1/2 small rifle primers. Pistol primers will probably flow and tie up the gun as the cylinder will not rotate.

January 22, 2008

I had read the full article. I'll admit that it is tempting to load up some hot rounds and give them a try. However if I feel regular .357 Mag is not enough, I have my Dan Wesson model 40. .357 is my favorite caliber and I don't need any blazing hot 353 loads to find their way into one of my other .357 revolvers.


January 24, 2009

Supermagfan said:
You need a 500WE then to top it all out
And a face mask.
Man, that's a great looking family of FA's you've gathered there, Wayne. I sure am loving the
I don't have any FA's yet, hopefully next year sometime. I want a 10" .454 first, then I'll work my way around from there.

October 27, 2009

I have a couple of FA. One is a 97 in 41 mag, got it for a steal at 1100 plus some ammo. The second shown below is a 252. Sure is the largest 5 shot 22 I have ever seen. The previous owner shot and documented a world record sil group with this revolver. Lord knows I could never do that but this revolver does make me look a little better at the range.
Freedom arms makes the most accurate production handguns period.

February 16, 2011

In responce to the post on the Freedom Arms model 83 in 357Mag, I can attest to the power of this cartridge when handloaded to Taffin`s specs. I shot a 4 horn ram at 40yds with a 180gr XTP over a stiff charge of Blue Dot that was pushing the bullet close to 1700FPS. The ram was quartered towared me and I hit him in the left shoulder. When hit, the ram was lifted off his front legs and just about flipped over onto his back. This load puts it just below a factory 44mag with a 240gr bullet and just above a factory 41mag with a 210gr bullet….
" I own more guns then I need but not as many as I want"
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