Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

Wayne, very nice FA. I have two in my member's collection also. They are really well built firearms no doubt. You can own almost a dozen assorted Dan's for the price of three FA's that is the downside and why I don't have anymore than two. Now if I could just get a 41 Mag in one yet...
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

Range Officers
February 25, 2009


January 24, 2009

January 22, 2008

My latest FA purchase, a model 252. This one is a Varmint Class and has an extra cylinder in 22 Mag, express sights, trigger overtravel screw and green laminated grips. I have seen a few around like this but I don't know how many Freedom Arms made.

This brings me up to three FA revolvers [Image Can Not Be Found]
On my wish list are a FA in one of the 1/2" calibers. The .50AE versions have come down in price since the .50WE has become more popular, and the ammo is getting less scarce.

DWF Supporters

Dans Club

November 17, 2008


January 24, 2009

April 25, 2008

Here's my Freedom Arms revolvers. My first one, a Pre-Production 252 Silhouette Class, ordered in 1991. It is the second best-shooting .22LR in my collection.
The next one my wife said I could get for my birthday in 2001. My favorite revolver cartridge, a .41 Magnum, in another Silhouette Class gun. This one is superbly accurate also.
Four years later, she asked if I wanted another Freedom Arms revolver and what would it be. I decided to get a Model 97 to see how they were, so we both got on the FA website and built this gun. A Premier 97 Silhouette in .22LR. The octagon barrel was an expensive option, but we decided since you only live once, to go for it. I'm glad we did.
The Savantist

January 22, 2008

IHMSA80x80, excellent!!
I was searching around for a 252 silhouette and managed to find one but couldn't bring myself to pay $1000 more than I bought the 252 Varmint for. Also I read that, because of the tight tolerances of the silhouette model, some ammo may require seating with a wood dowel
I like that '97 octagon ........ sooo many choices

April 25, 2008

I know Jody, way too many cool guns out there and nowhere near the amount of money available. I used to decide what my next gun would be, but found out I passed up too many good deals on other guns, waiting for the gun I wanted next to show up. Now I just look for a good deal on "something" that is on my list. In a way, that's kinda neat, cause I never know what the next one will be.
Wayne, my 252 is like that with some ammo. It is very tight. I use Eley ammo in it and they have to be pushed in firmly with my thumb, though I never resorted to using a wood dowel or any other tool. You would not believe how well this gun shoots.
The Savantist


January 24, 2009

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