December 12, 2012

I plan on keeping them both.
Just for giggles I took the Bearcat to Cabelas for an appraisal. They told me that they would give me $140-$160. I wasn't going to sell anyway I just wanted to see what they were thinking.
I like to tell people the Security-Six was only shot by a little old lady after church on Sunday. It's had very little use.
I love 'em both.
Have a good day!

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009


January 24, 2009

December 12, 2012

Dave_KS & Charger Fan,
I LOVE all old firearms, I've not yet embraced the new composite technology, I love the feel of wood and steel. And yes I love that Security-Six and so does My Daughter, she however has not expressed her desire yet, I hope she asks for the S-Six.
Note: The S-Six was recently purchased from a local gun dealer but was previously owned by a little old lady that only rarely shot after church on Sunday. Or so the story goes. It's pretty clean.

June 25, 2013

This Old model 357 Blackhawk, presafety, 3 screw circa 1973 is my hunting side arm and when loaded with 148 gr. 358 wadcutters in front of 2.5 gr. of WST is one accurate firearm.
I like the fit and feel especially at reduced loads.
I pair this up a lot with a Rossi Model 92 chambered for 38/357 also.
Endeavor to persevere,
Press on regardless.
Need little, want less, love more.
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