Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

June 25, 2011

Yes, it has what was called satin nickle. They also made the same gun in .22lr. The cylinder and crane pop right off and can be switched, as is the case in a combo kit they made. They're a few on GB now. I probably would hold off for an adjustable sight, if I wasn't replacing the same as I had.

June 25, 2011

The cylinder release is simply the ejector rod. It is pulled forward, under a spring pressure and released. It is easy to do and as to the notches, I have no idea what they are. I never thought about it, but just looked and cant see what they do. Maybe it was part of the manufacturing process, to align the bores or maybe to give access to a stuck casing.

June 25, 2011

Since this is also a DW family member, at least by region and midget genes, I will post my new gun. This one also locks up 100%. I am thrilled, as I also had one in the 70's. Cobra from 1969. I took my other one apart, when young, as I had no idea that a revolver was so complicated. I sold it in a bag. This sideplate hasn't been touched and will stay that way.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

nowicanhitabarn said:
This is my 2nd out of three purchase of guns that I bought in the 70's and recently was able to replace. A DW .357 was the 3rd and final. The other snubby was a tackdriver This one, not so much, but it locks up tighter than any gun I own. High Standard in .22 mag.
Ok now I have 2 of these Sentinel MK4's One should have been a combo though came with 22lr instead. Now do you have the break down on these? or how to pop the cylinder out? The notches are so the firing pin doens't contact the cylinder! nowican, what is user name on GB? so not to bid against ya.
Nice looking colt you grabbed!

June 25, 2011

Where are all the rest of the words in our posts? I hate that. I am going to try to de-cypher the code that I see. I am not on GB bidding on anything. Congrats on your purchases, To remove the cylinder, just find the pin that rotates the crane ass. and push it in and wiggle the crane out. Its a simple and brilliant design.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Thinking about way to many things when writing that last one!
I had been watching the one you bought (nickel) and figured I would ask several questions really fast!
You did it! Now to figure out The removal on this MK4. I think you are talking about the pin recessed in the front of the frame!
Blacktop asked about the notches, the only thing I could see was the firing pin clearance area.
I hope that clears my lack of speed typing up!


January 24, 2009

nowicanhitabarn said:
I am seeing missing words, My post too. I think the pic size is messing it up...
Fixed, sorry I didn't find this thread earlier.
Quoting a post with a pic will mess up the thread for some reason...happens often. Removing the offending pic in the quote will set the thread straight again.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Ah i got the pin to move as i pulled it aprt pop across the room something flew. Ah well located it and found out how easy yhese come apart. Trying to find a mag cylinder for the combo effect! I haven't removed out the other one.
Looking for grips for these too! Thanks CF for the Fix!!!

June 25, 2011

The post is much better, now,thanks. When it comes to grips, forget it, there are none. I actually spent all day with a drill press and dremel and sandpaper and was 99% done making a set and one split when I tapped it onto a little alignment pin to mark it. Congrats on getting these. My first one was Nib in '78 or so $105.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

June 25, 2011

The site owner here is the High Standard expert. This link is to the breakdown. http://www.histandard.info/manuals/partsbook/0106B/0106B08P150R_full.html Congrats again these are nothing like the Taurii I been seeing.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009


January 24, 2009

nowicanhitabarn said:
Congrats again these are nothing like the Taurii I been seeing.
Not following here…Taurii ? Do you mean Taurus, or something else?
Hopefully Taurus didn't just work it's way into the HS realm.
Regarding your links, yes, John Stimson is/has been an invaluable resource for the HS connection with the early DW involvement. He was one of the main reasons I pursued & (thankfully) quickly landed my MK II & III pair, as the evolution of this thread will show… LINK. I jumped into a lucky window in time apparently, because I rarely see clean ones offered for sale lately.
Next, I'd like to find a MK-V that speaks to me & that "just right" D-100 derringer...which is currently on GB, but I'm fresh outta fundage. Figures.

June 25, 2011

A word to the wise with this HS. There are many that become discolored, and it looks terrible. I guess I used something wrong on it because mine developed markings in a few weeks. These marks would not go away but I was very lucky to try some 2000 grit and a lot of CLP and it worked wonders.
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