Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Ahh High Standard
Many years ago I had a Sharpshooter, and foolishly sold it. About a year ago my son (in TX) called me from a gun show asking me about HS in general, and the Sharpshooter specifically. He bought it, and called me later that day raving about it's accuracy. After that, I did the only sensible thing and set out to get my own:
Victor-East Hartford vintage. I actually live pretty much midway between East Hartford and Hamden, and the local shops always have High Standards.
Are you familiar with John Stimsons "High Standard Information"?
Also, Rimfire Central has a great High Standard Forum
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

June 18, 2009

I wish there were more of them showing up in our area. I just recently started to work at Cabelas here in Fort Worth. I have not figured out how much it's going to cost me to work here yet. I bought a AMT Automag II (22 mag) the thiird day I was there. I check every day to see what is new in the used gun area. Thanks for the links, I'll check them out

February 2, 2009

Hey West Tx, I know what you mean about cost to work. My son's buddy from the AF got out and is working at the gun counter at a major chain in Washington state. My son went to visit and his buddy brought a gun home almost every day. Most parking lot deals. They quote the price to fix or buy a gun and the seller walks away, he offers a few dollard more and makes the deal on his break. He had one given to him because it cost too much to fix. The smith fixes employee guns for price of parts. I would go broke.
I really love .22 revolvers and pistols and have wanted to add one to my collection. Some of them resemble the Colt Woodsman are the designs similar?
Hey West Tx I had an AutoMag II but could never get it to shoot reliability. I tried the Winchester ammo as it specified but still didn't help. I might pickup another one of those if a good deal presents itself.

June 18, 2009

I can't wait to get out of layaway to see how it shoots. I have a AMT .380 Backuo II that I've had for years, it has never missed a beat, yet I hear people complain about them all the time. I have a machine shop set up in the garage so if there is a problem I'll see if I can fix it.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

West Tx- In case you don't spot this anywhere else, shooting High Standards with high velocity ammo is not a good idea. There is a part of the frame that can be prone to cracking with repeated use of HV ammo. Since it's a used gun, you have no idea of the previous owner(s) use of the pistol, be very careful.
The Forum on Rimfire Central is excellent, I advise you research there.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
Yes, I have some High Standards and some of them are pictured in the Standard Catalog of Firearms.
A few comments about some of the posts above.
High Standard offered right hand and left hand thumbrest grips and ambidextrous grips with no thumbrest. However tehy did not offer guns with the safety and slide lock reversed.
West TX,
The new High Standard in Houston now owns the remains of the old AMT company. I don't kow about availability of the guns or their quality. The new High Stadnard had a checkered reputation on the forums for the quality of teh High Stadnard pisols they made.
Steve Ct,
Yes, some models of High Stadard do indeed crack. Early model B's with the types I-A nad I-B takedowns crack from high useage and would be accelerated by High Velocity ammunition.
The 102 through 107 and SH series models also crack and are the ones most talked about.
This crack forms at the right rear of the magaxine well and passes across the rail to the pocket for the slide lock lever. continued use will see a second crack form at the left rear of the magazine well. but often teh first crack is discovered before a second crack forms beacuse the peformance of the pistol degrades and teh crack is discoveres when looking for why the performance is off.
THe casue is really wear fo the recoil spring. The recoil spring slides in a hole in the slide and over the retracting rod. Rear is primairly wear on the outside diameter as it slides in the hole. The wear reduces the effective spring wire diameter and thus the spring's effective force. As the spring force goes down, the slide hits the stop lug of the frame with increased energy. It is the repeated battrering of the frame at ever increasing forces that lead to the fatigue crack.
Thus you can get frame cracking from regular ammunition with sufficient spring wear. It is recommended that the recoil spring be changed every 15,000 rounds. Wolff makes a progressive 6 pound spring that is recommended by many over a stock 5.5 pound spring.
High Velocity ammunition can accelerate the crack fromation but velocity may not be the best indicator of ammunition that accelerates cracking. Muzzle energy may be a better indicator and there is a 60 grain subsonic round that has high muzzle energy and the slide is on the other end of the gas pressure that generates that muzzle energy.


January 24, 2009


January 24, 2009

June 18, 2009

John, yes i know about High Standard having what,s left of AMT. I also have 2 AMT's, a Backup II in .380 and a Automag II. I really like both of them. I've a lot of negative article's on the AMT's. I have owned the Backup II for 10yrs and have had one stove pipe and that was about a week ago. I've since stripped it down and cleane it thoroughly (been a while). The Automag II (22 mag.) works great if you feed it what it wants Winchester Super X, I'm going to try other brands since I just bought it and do not know when it was cleaned and lubed.
Note: the Backup II was mfd. in Covina,Ca. (AMT)
the Automag II was mfd. in Sturgis, Sd (Galena Industries) they owned AMT about [Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found]2yrs

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

Charger Fan said:
I'm now the proud owner of a High Standard revolver, a Sentinel MK II.
I'm planning on making a DW inspired Pac case to store him in & will leave room in there for the addition of a sibling…I hope to be able to find a clean example of a MK III one day, to keep him company.
Charger, I will pull out the HS Sentinel MK II's and share soon. Gotta love the Porkchops! Nice pics all thanks for shareing!

February 20, 2008

The High Standards, mainly in their 'target' semi auto 22 are one of the finest and most accurate guns made over time, and at affordable prices (yes you can spend the BIG BUCKS for a Hammerli or such,but….)
anyway, have had and shot them for MANY years and the ones pictured below are my
two favorites and cannot be improved upon ( how about ONE hole groups….)
the slant grip is a 'classic' and remains unfired………………
the 'new' High Standards have finally come around and are quite good.
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