September 6, 2011

I found this brand new while browsing the net the other nite, and jumped all over it. Its a Smith and Wesson, 686 Deluxe "TALO" 6" 7 shot. I think all that TALO did was put on some nice wooden grips. I saw if for under $650 brand new and got one of the last ones in stock. I want to build a display case for it and my 6" 629 .44 mag to hang on the wall, with a glass front with a key. Then put it in my bedroom or someplace it won't be seen by someone who would decide that it was worth breaking in after. I'm not even sure if I'll shoot it yet. It may go in the safe with my Pistol Pack. Oh, I'll probably have to put a cylinder or two through it and test it against my Dan 6".

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
March 27, 2009

September 6, 2011

Thanks for the comments, I saw the same gun going for over $850 at some stores, so when I saw it under $650 I had to jump on it. It would be like seeing a nice model 15 at $250 or something. You'd have to jump on it before it was gone. I'm studying up on how to remove the locking mechanism, I've seen on youtube where that gun will lock it's self up due to the recoil of the .357 magnum. I guess someone makes a nice plug that can be inserted into the lock hole and does a good job of filling it in. My 629 is pre-lock, but also has the firing pin in the trigger, I like the transfer bar system a little better if you want to carry a full cylinder. If I was doing much with the 629, I'd leave the chamber under the hammer empty in case I dropped it. I never did like that firing pin on the hammer anyway. The Dan Wesson system is much better with it's transfer bar, and it was built way before my 629 was. S&W should have got with the program, but maybe there were patents to deal with or other legal stuff. Anyway, have no qualms about carrying a full cylinder in my model 14 that is going to be my open carry sidearm not that I'm back on the farm. We get too many feral dogs coming around, Rottweilers and other large dogs, that I don't like to work outside unarmed.

September 6, 2011

Thanks gsquare, I've been keeping an eye on the 686 at some of the auction sites, Armlist, and various internet distributors. I couldn't believe they were selling NEW ones at that price, when I've seen used ones going for more at the auctions so I snapped it up. I have 2 Dans, a Pistol Pack with 8, 6, 4, 2 inch barrels, that was so nice, I just put it in the safe, it didn't have any signs of ever being fired, and I figured if I took it out I'd end up messing something up. I then got a 6" model 14, that had some wear and tear on it that I'm gonna use as my knockaround gun here on the farm for defense from the feral dogs and other varmints.
I already had a 2" model 14 that was pretty cherry that a real good friend of mine fell in love with so much that he traded me a Kimber Custom II .45 1911 for it. I'm a big fan of the 1911 platform, and he was so in love with my gun that I traded with him because he's a good friend, and a Nam vet, and I thought he deserved it. He bought him a 4" barrel kit from EWK and it sure shoots nice now. That heavy shroud sure does tame the recoil down a bit. I didn't come out too bad, I think I paid $150 for it at a gun show, and it was at about 90% or better. Then I figured I'd get another Dan, and that pistol pack showed up while I was looking, so I snagged it, then found the 6" model 14 that I thought would make a perfect sidearm out here on the farm. I did put a new barrel from EWK in it and it really shoots well now. I kind of boogered up the barrel a little getting a stuck shroud nut off, but I used some polishing compound on a few rounds and lapped the barrel and recrowned it and the original barrel doesnt shoot very bad at all now. Oh well, nothing wrong with having an extra barrel. I've been very fortunate on my gun purchases, they've appreciated about the best of anything in my portfolio, trouble is I'll probably never cash in on em, I just hate to sell a gun. I always regret it if I do.
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