January 4, 2009

My Dad gave me the .22 single shot Remington rifle his mom gave him. You had to pull the pin out in the back of the bolt after it was loaded to shoot it.. safe was turning that little knob 1/8th of a click and letting it sit in a notch.. I gave the gun to my nephew as his first gun with the understanding that he pass it on to my boys... he never did.. the bum !!! ( he's the first V/P of Turner Construction.. LOL )
My first shotgun my Dad bought me.. .12 ga. J.C Higgins 5 shot pump.. still got it..
The first hand gun I ever bought was a .44 magnum Super Black Hawk .. got it NIB from a ship mate that needed money back in my USN days, 1966,.. paid $60 for it.
still have it .. have reloaded and shot many rounds thru it... nothing compares to a .44 mag. IMHO... it's just a BLAST to shoot... so over the years have rather then "settling" for a smaller caliber.. I would collect and shoot .22 for the heck of it..then one dayat the end of last year... thought I needed another .44 mag.. different barrel size... a customer told me about Dan Wesson's last fall.... now I have 3.. 2- .44 ,one blue, one SS and one model 15-2..
I'm thinking of looking for a local support group to help me deal with this DW addiction !!! Heeeeeelp

September 8, 2009

Very first gun I was 12 or 13 it was a marlin 882 bolt action 22lr, very first handgun bought by me on my 21st birthday was a beretta 92fs. I have had many guns since then and still have been on a beretta kick. But am now transitioning just a little bit to magnum revolvers.

Dans Club
May 17, 2009

My first gun was a Mossberg model 320V, single shot .22 with a Weaver B6 scope. I still have it, actually right next to me as I had to get the model numbers for the post. I was 15 and my Dad bought it for me so I could join the rifle team at the fish and game club. Never did much with guns for the next 45 years till now, and I guess I have the DWAS. I now have, let's see, 3 15-2's, 3 .44 Mags, a 22 Mag, and a 7445 SM. Other brands: SW9VE 9MM, Ruger New Model Single Six 22LR/22Mag.
I have a new family member coming soon and will post a pic when I get it. Not a Dan but kind of kewl.
I need a doctor to treat the sickness.............

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

Mine was a Browning BLR in 308 for deer season. It was a decent gun, but it had issues. I remember my dad traded it for a wad of cash and a Mossberg 600AT 12 ga pump with 3 barrels. I still have the 600AT and used it for turkey and small game for years.
My first handgun was a High Standard sentinel 9 shot 22 revolver--my dad still has it and uses it often.

April 11, 2009

10/22 Walmart special in green laminate. I remember those were the days, I put it on layaway at 18, somehow my parents got wind of it and went and paid it off for me for my birthday and just gave it to me.
Ah the 90s!
My Dan's
15VH pistol pack
715 plus two barrels
44 pistol pack in transit

Range Officers
February 25, 2009

My first gun was a Mossburg model 340BD in 22lr. I bought it from my Grandad for $25.00. I put a cheap Weaver 3~9 scope on it and piled up the woodchucks. My first handgun was just after I got my pistol permit. I went to the gunshop and ordered a DW in 357 Max. It's accounted for 13 deer and countless woodchucks. I still have both guns. I paid $439.00 for the Max in 1991, sure wish they were selling for that now.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
~Thomas Jefferson~

July 25, 2008

Mine was a Saturday night special 22 that cost me $10.00, I don't know the maker, it shot more lead out the side of the barrel than the barrel. One day I was going across the bridge and I threw it in the river, what a piece of junk it was. It taught me a important lesson DON'T BUY JUNK.

July 5, 2009

I received my first gun as a birthday gift when I was 14. It was a BAR Grade I, .270 Winchester that my father purchased used. (It was manufactured in 1968.) I harvested my first deer with the gun, and I still have it today. I have no plans on ever selling this firearm. Hopefully, I can pass it on to one of my kids.
I purchased my first DW, a DW .357 Magnum VH8, when I was 18. I still have this gun as well…that's when my love affair with DW began.

December 4, 2009

My very first was a Remington .22 pump with a series of patent dates ending in 1912.It was my grandfathers old varmint plinker.Fast forward to about 2 years ago and I purchased a S&W 13-2 that was a RCMP service gun.That thing needs help shoots .38 specials just fine , but shaves like mad when I run .357 through it.The dan was my second revolver.
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