March 22, 2018

As promised here is a range report for my two Dan Wesson revolvers.
First up is the Dan Wesson 44 with a 10” barrel. Before I get into the targets and groups, I discovered after I got home from the range that the barrel nut was loose causing movement between the barrel and frame. I discovered this when I was cleaning it. I don’t know if I didn’t tighten it properly or if it worked loose under recoil. This is something I will keep an eye on in the future. Also, I changed out the front sight to a fiber optic for better visibility for my old eyes.
These are three of the best groups today. I did try a some of my hotter loads, but even with the 10” barrel they were real hand tinglers, so I only shot a few of these and went on to target loads. They were 240gr lead swc under 6.5gr of American Select, 240gr lead swc under 6.7gr W231 and finally a 240gr TMJ under 22.0gr W296. The last one is not really a target load, but I wanted to see how accurate they were. All were 6-shot groups at 25 yards on an 8” target.
I really believe these groups would have been smaller if I had tightened the barrel nut. I will find out next range trip.

Next up is the Dan Wesson 715 .38/.357 with my new CZ 4” barrel. I shot one 12-shot group of .357 158gr lead rnfp under 4.0gr American Select. The other three targets were .38 Special 158gr Rainier plated under 4.2gr W231. One target is 12-shots and the other two are 10-shot(I only had 32 loaded). All targets were at 15 yards. As I expected the .357 loads were just as accurate than the .38 loads.


Dans Club
January 17, 2015

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