April 4, 2016

Just came into possession of one of these and would like to know what is the current strategy for making brass?
So far I've fire-formed 30-30 brass with the understanding this is far from optimal. I think with careful loads I can at least make my new gun go bang. I've got some cast boolits on order and some H-110. And will order up some loading dies.
Any info, caveats or directions to previous threads will help.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

I highly recommend you steer clear of the 30-30 brass option. Use 375 Winchester rifle brass, it is more durable, I had numerous issues of sticking cases and split cases with the 30-30 brass. If you get fortunate enough to locate any of the original run of Winchester .375 Supermag IHMSA brass that would be the ultimate answer for you, it was built well for its intended purpose.
Dies can on occasion be found on ebay or the gun auction websites for somewhat less than the new price to have them made.
My 375's like the 220 grain rounds better than 200 for accuracy.
I hope this may be helpful for you.
Best wishes on your quest.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

April 4, 2016

Yep, brass is going to be a problem.
30-30 brass will make sub-par ammo.
And, of course 375 SuperMag brass is unobtainium.
375 Winchester is also a scarce commodity, it would be a shame to use up brass that others could use in the original rifle. Assuming you could find any.
It seems with more effort, maybe a lot more, .303 British or .303 Savage would be a possible candidate. .303 Brit. base is around 0.46" and .303 Savage is about 0.44". 375 SuperMag wants to be about 0.422".
Someone with more experience swaging brass would know if this were possible.
And yeah, It looked like 220 gr. or so would be the sweet spot for bullets, I mean boolits.
Thanks for your reply. Experience is always valued.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

April 25, 2008

Sierra started making 200-220 gn round nose bullets again recently for a tube fed rifle so bullets are getting more plentiful.
Sierra is making the 200 grain FN. Hornady hasn't made any 220 grain FN bullets for awhile. Wish they would start making them again, they always worked best for me.
The Savantist

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

I think we should coordinate a request and present it as coming from an organization of owners rather than a bunch of individual owners. It should get more attention that way. I follow Starline on facebook,subs I can find a contact person.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

April 4, 2016

Cool, thanks Mr. Scorpio!
I'll hold off contacting them myself then.
Text of my unsent message to Starline:
"I'm interested in shooting my Dan Wesson .375 SuperMag and wondered what it would take to make it worth the effort for you to produce brass that could be used. Your outfit came up in a discussion on the possibility on the Dan Wesson forum."
I wonder what would be an appropriate individual count? I'm thinking I could use a couple hundred pieces myself, maybe more if we're talking a lifetime supply.

April 4, 2016

Just found this:
A small outfit like Starline can be much more flexible. But even here they have to look at the potential demand. I might have a great idea with my wildcat .432 Super Whiz Bang cartridge, but will anyone else care or want it? Probably not. To tool up for a new cartridge case, Starline looks for a minimum production run of between 100,000 and 200,000 cases.* If the demand is less than that, they simply can’t justify the production costs. They’ll lose money on the project, and in today’s business climate, you just can’t do that. So I guess my .432 Super Whiz Bang will just have to wait.
Read more: http://www.shootingtimes.com/ammo/ammunition_making_brass_101910/#ixzz44xuT6HfJ\
*My emphasis

DWF Supporters
February 1, 2016

FWIW SWVA arms has 375 H&H federal in stock ,not cheap. But after initial inv.you'd have brass.
will H&H work?

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

WhiskeyCharlie said
Cool, thanks Mr. Scorpio!I'll hold off contacting them myself then.
Text of my unsent message to Starline:
"I'm interested in shooting my Dan Wesson .375 SuperMag and wondered what it would take to make it worth the effort for you to produce brass that could be used. Your outfit came up in a discussion on the possibility on the Dan Wesson forum."
I wonder what would be an appropriate individual count? I'm thinking I could use a couple hundred pieces myself, maybe more if we're talking a lifetime supply.
By all means send them your request, the more interest they see for the case, the more likely they will be to consider doing a run. I sent a message to the admins asking what they thought of a group request. This is Jody's forum and I will let him be the judge as to if, when and how a forum based request to a company should proceed. In the meantime, we should all message Starline and see if they are willing to consider a run of 375. They did a run of 360DW and there are far fewer of those guns floating around than the 375. Lets see what happens.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather

April 4, 2016

You would think so Mr. DeCoyme. Actually any of the 30-30 family suitably altered will work. The problem is only 375 SM/USA or the 375 Winchester are designed to hold the pressure that 375 SM loads produce. the 30-30 family runs 40 to 42,000 cup bur the SuperMag and Winchester are 50,000.
As I understand it.

Range Officer


DWF Supporters

Dans Club
December 4, 2011

April 4, 2016

To Mr. DeCoyme
Ha, funny you should say that. The first 30-30 case I fire formed looked so much like a mini shot shell it brought back how I once made shot shells for 45 Colt. Powder goes in first then seat a gas check over that then however much shot will fit in the case and another gas check crimped on top. You'd have to experiment to find the right powder and shot, but it would make good snake or rat medicine. Quail? Unless you're a much better wing shot than me, then not so much.
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