April 4, 2016
at Supermagfan:
Good call on the 375 SM dies.
I set up a 'watched search' on ebay and a 3-die set turned up the very next day! And at a very good price.
How lucky can you get. As long as I'm on a roll I've setup searches for brass too.
Now all I have to do is get a file trim die probably from CH4D.
Thanks again,
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
You don't need a trim die:
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
April 4, 2016
To rwsem:
I saw your tutorial on trimming 375 Win. to make 375 SuperMag. Thanks for the link.
I have used a Tubing cutter to cut a couple of 30-30 cases after fire-forming.
(My method for fire forming is using 12 gr. of W-231 (which I have). Tamp in place with a bit of AWP on top, fill the rest of the case with cream of wheat, to the rim-or nearly so. The I seal the COW with a drop or three of melted candle wax. It works for me.)
I'm concerned the Tubing cutter method may not be accurate enough by itself and I don't have the cool case trimmer. So I thought I'd get the file trim die that CH4D makes.
I take it your case trimmer can be adjusted for whatever length you want. I do have a Lee case trimmer for 375 Winchester. Maybe I can modify it to trim the 375 SuperMag.
Thanks again,
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
A note about Reeds; About four years ago I ordered some 445 SM ammo from them, it was back ordered at the time and I forgot about it. Fast forward to this Jan, 2016, I got an email asking if I STILL wanted the 445 ammo I ordered in 2012! I replied that I wouldn't be needing any, thanks. Not that this was a typical experience but I thought I'd share it. IMO if you are in a hurry, buy the brass and dies and load your own, it'll be faster. You may want to call them and ask if they have 375 on hand and how long it will take to receive your order.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
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