

Dans Club
February 22, 2009

Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....


January 24, 2009

December 27, 2010

rwsem said:
Decided to deep clean my 744 today and took a few pics to help anyone along that needs it. I usually do this for reference when things don't go back together the way I "think" they should.
Best Regards,
Ron,what is third picture of? I bought 744 norwich gun guy took everything apart and put in box I am going to need some help getting it back to gether,walt



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

The second and third pictures show the relation/ positions for the trigger, hand, hand spring, connector, strut, and hammer. The purpose was to ensure I inserted the hand spring correctly. Hope that helps.
Check here to see if you have any more missing parts: https://www.danwessonforum.com/forum/the-lounge/dw-pricing-and-drawings-files
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....

March 26, 2023

Scout728 said
Somebody needs to youTube an instructional.
I was able to get mine opened up using this
And this

March 26, 2023

605Dart said
Good vid, but I would have liked to have seen the reassembly also.
HEARD that! Both sets of instructions are just like “rEaSsEmBlE iN rEvErSe”. Not super helpful.
The thread trick was incredible though. Despite having no idea what I was doing, I tied the hand and connector together and was able to get it back together first try then remove the thread.


January 24, 2009

Guys, please look here... Large Frame Disassembly Tutorial Pic's Reloading, Gunsmithing and Grip Making Forum Dan Wesson Forum
This is a very old thread that has a bunch of great info regarding the large frame DW's. I think I have personally re-posted those photos 4 times now, because that thread is so old, and the interwebs gremlins keep happening!
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