DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018

Got a low serial Monson 715 6" at a price l just couldn't pass up. it's got light scratching on the barrel and frame. Is there a way to buff those out without removing too much of the original Finish? Could that "brushed steel" finish be replicated by careful sanding maybe with a disk or by hand and blend it in ?
My Baby Lets Me Do What I Want

February 16, 2016

Rex Beachmont said
Is there a way to buff those out without removing too much of the original Finish? Could that "brushed steel" finish be replicated by careful sanding maybe with a disk or by hand and blend it in?
Yes and yes. There is a thread about this refinishing in the Gunsmithing section that you can look around for ... I think they used a red Scotch pad.

DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018

Thanks guys. I'll look for the info in the gunsmith section and get the Scotch pads in the morning. Can't go wrong here. If I ruin the thing with my talent I will make myself polish it to a mirror finish as punishment. It'll look good one way or another.
My Baby Lets Me Do What I Want
I think Stinger may be right about the red. Steve is right about the white. It would work for a bright polish. I tried the local restaurant supply company. They looked at me like I was crazy. I came up empty on eBay and Google. If you find the less common colors let us know where please.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

February 16, 2016

Stinger said
There is a thread about this refinishing in the Gunsmithing section that you can look around for ... they used a Scotchbrite pad.

October 1, 2012

Old Dog,
I normally use dark grey or light grey depending on the factory finish I am trying to match. I have had success getting most grades at the local autobody supply store. They have from very fine to super coarse stuff that we use to get heavy rust off of car frames

DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018

DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018

Ole Dog said
I think Stinger may be right about the red. Steve is right about the white. It would work for a bright polish. I tried the local restaurant supply company. They looked at me like I was crazy. I came up empty on eBay and Google. If you find the less common colors let us know where please.
I found the different Scotch-Brite grits at Highland Woodworking. They have each sheet for $2....ordered five of each.
My Baby Lets Me Do What I Want

DWF Supporters
July 22, 2018

August 29, 2009

Use the Gray - it's available at Lowes...I just got some last week.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

Ole Dog said
I think Stinger may be right about the red. Steve is right about the white. It would work for a bright polish. I tried the local restaurant supply company. They looked at me like I was crazy. I came up empty on eBay and Google. If you find the less common colors let us know where please.
One other source for a variety of Scotch Brite "grades" is anyplace that rents floor polishing/refinishing machines. The Full Service rental center where I work rents floor scrubbers/sanders/polishers and a very wide range of 12" ScotchBrite pads that they sell in quantity or by the "each".
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin

August 8, 2016

Stinger said
Stinger said
There is a thread about this refinishing in the Gunsmithing section that you can look around for ... they used a Scotchbrite pad.
I used the 7448 gray pads to remove the scratches on my shroud but it appears I should have used the 7446 gray which is aluminum oxide and the chart specifically says for SS. Doh! 😣 Well it came out fine so maybe it doesn’t matter if you use silicon carbide or aluminum oxide?

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