Dans Club
February 22, 2009
Ron you've learned well... x2 on everything OD wrote.
Reb- if you feel you need a shim, try here; DW is near the bottom.
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
Reb, you can probably order the bushing that is just in front of the ejector spring from Dan Wesson. That is probably worn and a new one would solve your problem. I think I have one in a batch of parts I bought. I was keeping it for my future bans but if all pans out , pm me. A new ball and spring comes with the small parts kit fromEWK. I think that should work.
December 13, 2013
Ok, I have finally been able to take the 14 back out with the gap adjusted properly. It is still shooting WAY high at close range. I'm still using the 5.0 grains of Unique under 158gr LSWCHPS in .38 Spl. cases. At 15 yards from a solid rest, firing SA, the bullets hit in the top third of an 8 1/2x11 target when I put the front sight at the bottom edge of the paper.
Any suggestions on where to go from here?
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
In lue of finding any problems with the revolver (loose shroud, bent barrel) the only fix I know of would be a taller front sight. Not a big project if you are mechanically inclined. A trial with some tape to build it up will tell you how much more sight you need. Other than that a trip home (DW) may be in order. Good luck.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
Reb, going to throw an idea out. Erik at EWK uses thin spacers (.001+.002) to adjust the compensators he sells so the gases are directed up to push the muzzle down. They go on the barrel between the frame and the shroud. I think if you cut one in half or one third and put it on top of the barrel between frame and shroud it may solve your problem. I have a 14-2 that shoots low. There is a ledge on the base of the sight that works for me but I have some spacers and I think I'll try it. Gonna wait till next week when I get my new TRIFOCALS with a lens for shooting (and computer moniters). Eric would probably mail yoy a couple for small change.
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
March 27, 2009
Range Officer
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Dans Club
December 4, 2011
Agreed. that front sight looks very short, that could be your problem right there. EWK sells nice front sights in a variety of heights. I think they come in an assortment for not much money. You could experiment until you find one the brings the POA/POI more inline.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
December 13, 2013
Blacktop said
Maybe it's the angle of the picture but your front sight looks short even for a model 14-2,can you take a shot of the front sight ? Does it look like it might have been filed down ?
It's broken in two places, in front of and behind the tang where it is pinned to the shroud. It doesn't look like there would be that much of a height difference if it was intact, though I could be wrong.
If you click on the second image in my post above and enlarge it you will see the crack in the front of the sight. The rear part is missing entirely.
February 11, 2010
It just looks to me like the hump is gone, There is not much hump on the 14 sights but yours
looks extra low. Anyway, I don't think that is your only problem. Your grip is probably your
biggest factor, tell me you ain't using that old 70's saucer and tea cup grip ? You know the old
Barney Miller police grip that lets your wrist snap up ?
You need a good modern two handed locking grip and you need to get the web of your hand
high on the back of that grip.
Do you have any other revolvers and do they shoot well ?
If you have shooting experience and you are sure it is not your technique then you can have
that front sight replaced with what ever height you want, you already said it was broken so
replacing it is a given. You can do it or send the shroud in to EWK and Eric will install for you.
But what your describing is quite a few inches and I would say some of it may be attributed
to shooting form.
December 13, 2013
Blacktop said
It just looks to me like the hump is gone, There is not much hump on the 14 sights but yourslooks extra low. Anyway, I don't think that is your only problem. Your grip is probably your
biggest factor, tell me you ain't using that old 70's saucer and tea cup grip ? You know the old
Barney Miller police grip that lets your wrist snap up ?
You need a good modern two handed locking grip and you need to get the web of your hand
high on the back of that grip.
Do you have any other revolvers and do they shoot well ?
If you have shooting experience and you are sure it is not your technique then you can have
that front sight replaced with what ever height you want, you already said it was broken so
replacing it is a given. You can do it or send the shroud in to EWK and Eric will install for you.
But what your describing is quite a few inches and I would say some of it may be attributed
to shooting form.
I use the standard two-hand thumbs-forward IPSC grip as I have for the past 20+ years and never had a problem with, so I strongly doubt technique is the issue. I have several other revolvers including a Smith 64 which I was shooting with exactly the same ammo on the same day at the same range and it was hitting right to the point of aim, so it isn't the ammo or my form.
Don't take my word for it, though:
This is the group I got in that video:
That wasn't just blazing away as fast as I could pull the trigger. I was reacquiring the front sight between each shot and aiming every time.
So, short form, yes, I know how to shoot, and no, it ain't how I hold the gun.
The info that EWK might mount the sight for me, however, is very useful, so thanks for that!
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
So I've followed this thread for a while and went to look at your origianl post " My First DW" to see the pictures of the front sight. I am wondering - is your front sight serrated or smooth? All front sights, I've run across, were serrated. That may be an indication as to wether a PO filed it down for longer range shooting.
Regards, Ron
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
December 13, 2013
rwsem said
So I've followed this thread for a while and went to look at your origianl post " My First DW" to see the pictures of the front sight. I am wondering - is your front sight serrated or smooth? All front sights, I've run across, were serrated. That may be an indication as to wether a PO filed it down for longer range shooting.Regards, Ron
Thanks for following, and yes, it is serrated all the way. No evidence of filing.
Here are the best pictures I could get:
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
That blade looks very short to me and compared to my 14-2 sight. I have a 6"BA somewhere around here I'll try to post a pic of it. It has much more of a rise in the front. I think that blade may be the problem. As short as it is, you'd be holding muzzel high to get it in the notch and that would make your shots way high.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
Dans Club
February 22, 2009
Other than being broken, it looks right to me but maybe the hump is filed. My model 8 for comparison is below. I'd think maybe barrel issues? What does the crown look like? Is the forcing cone buggered? Does it appear to be threaded straight? I'll go take a measurement... looks to be 4mm above the rib.
Technically, the glass is always full; half liquid, half air....
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