October 13, 2009
I just got the batch of .22 LR barrels done...all so nice and pretty freshly blued! Yesterday I went to put one in my .22 Dan for testing....and...its too short!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out, I didn't think to measure things on my .22 Dan and thought an 8" barrel for example would be 8". Upon further investigation, the cylinder is .125" shorter (1.500") compared to a regular 'ol 15. (1.625") And the barrel is an 1/8" longer to compensate.
So thankfully not a total loss as I just need to cut down say an 8" to be a 6"
But at the same time I also did a stainless barrel for a member here...I e-mail him the bad news that when he gets it, its going to be too short. Today he e-mails me back that its the right length for his .22!
So now I'm confused, I thought for sure all the .22 Dans would have the shorter cylinder length. We need to get this figured out so we don't have either too short or too long of barrels!
So if you could, measure your .22 Dan Wessons and report back here what the barrel length is (for example, either 6.000" or 6.125") and what the cylinder length is (Either 1.500" or 1.625")
Any help in getting to the bottom of this mystery I would greatly appreciate!
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
Range Officer
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
December 4, 2011
OK, my 22LR has the 1.5" cylinder with the following barrel lengths:
These are all VH BAs
Eric, could the longer cylinder be for 22 mag by any chance?
Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
My father
If a man designed it, and a man built it, then a man can fix it.
My grandfather
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
I agree with all of Scorpios measurements. All my 22 cylinders are on the 1.5 range.
6" Barrels range anywhere from 6.0625 to just shy of 6.125 -- 6.125 would give a nice finished look on the end of the shroud I think. I have a varied assortment of both blue and SS barrels from Monson and CZ.
I'll run down to the loading room and reverse engineer one-- run the barrel out till it is flush with the end of the shroud, and then check the barrel gap--subtract off the .006, add up the total and Wa-La
January 24, 2009
This probably won't help in the slightest, but I have noticed many of the muzzle shots on various DW 22's, usually show the end of the barrel recessed in a little. With most any .357, the end of the barrel is almost flush with the shroud & nut.
Like I said, probably zero help, so as you were.
Range Officer
Range Officers
Dans Club
February 28, 2009
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