February 28, 2011
I was looking at my two Dans and wondered if you could swap the barrel shrouds? If so, that means I could purchase a couple of barrels from EWK and get 2, 4, 6 and 8-inch bbls for both my 22 and 15-2!
I know that the bbl threads are different, with good reason. But the 22 bbl has a "thicker" area to help it mate up with the shroud and the nuts for both guns are the same diameter. So, I'm thinking that DW simply used the same shrouds and roll-stamped the caliber that they were used on, when they were issued. Sound feasible?
If that is the case, for the cost of two barrels, I'd have a complete set of bbls to use on both of my guns (with the respective bbls installed). Anyone tried this? I did a search but couldn't find any posts about this.
thanks for any info!
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
Sure. The small frame shrouds will interchange regardless of the caliber marking. Not including the pork chop models of course. Another note is large frame shrouds also interchange, and supermag shrouds will fit a large frame but not reverse as the ejector rod is longer. One exception is a few (very few) models have two alignment pins for the shroud so you have to remove one pin to swap with a single pin model. I think that about covers it. I hope I answered your question without adding too much other stuff.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
February 28, 2011
Been thinking about this a little bit. I've got a BIG gun case and a couple 'o Dan frames and a bunch 'o barrels. Maybe I should make a DW "Max Pac" and put 'em all together!
You get to the range and "assemble" whatever format you want, whether it be 22, 357 (14-2) or 357 (15-2) and choose your grips and bbl lengths ranging from 2 to 8 inches.
Would be pretty cool to get to the range and assemble your gun. Even if it's not efficient.
February 28, 2011
Yeah, it's probably one of those things where it looks good on paper, but would get kinda old lugging around. Could be cool if you had speakers that play the "Mission Impossible" theme song or something as you assemble your firearm. But then again, that' would only add MORE wieght!
Yeah, I think I'll leave someone else assemble the Tinker-Toy Dan Wesson Action-figure Set. It's just nice to know that the shrouds will cross over. I'm happy with that.
Dans Club
March 2, 2008
I'm still really wanting a Stainless shroud for my 722, I think I'll just reserve one with Eric for whenever he does some 6VH shrouds.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin
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