DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
Yes. Later Dan Wesson's have a letter code leading the serial #. In an effort to figure out the method they used I have been tracking serial numbers as I came across them for a while now. My list shows four 32 mags with the letter F prefix.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
Range Officer
Range Officers
May 2, 2009
Range Officer
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February 28, 2009
Range Officer
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March 27, 2009
January 24, 2009
This is what I have noted thus far. Or course, as per anything in current DW history, it's always open to debate, but this is my take as of today.
The .32 Magnum came along a year (or longer) before the .32-20...there was a short transition period in the serial number rollmark configuration during those years, mostly brought on by the introduction of so many new caliber models. Bear in mind, this was only during the later Monson years.
At first, they tried using letters in front of the s/n's to designate calibers...this case in point, the .32 Magnum (a stainless .32 Mag would have an "S" ahead of the F, making it a "SFxxxxxx"...
A short while later, it was decided to place the actual caliber ahead of the s/n as seen in this stainless .32 Mag example...
Shortly after the .32 Mag, came the .32-20...although I have yet to see one rollmarked with something other than the caliber leading the s/n, as seen in this stainless example (32-20S0546).
And as always, in an effort to strive toward an overall better understanding of DW history, any factual debate is always welcome here. This is merely my meager interpretation of the facts thus far.
Mindustrial, I'm sure others will agree that we'd love to see some of both your 32's. Either version of the DW .32 isn't easily come by & seeing a triplicate of these together would really be great.
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