October 13, 2009

I'm working on ordering the tooling for the .357 mag. barrels. Talking to my supplier, they are saying the specs on the barrels should be .350″ bore, and .357″ groove diameter. Looking at my .357 Dan barrel it looks to be a touch smaller, about .348-.349″ bore, but does look to be .357″ groove diameter. I'm leaning towards going with reamer to make the bore .350″ but I would love to hear what you guys think. The reamer is custom made so that part is kind of hard to change once the size is selected.
And while we're discussing this, what about the twist rate, does anyone know what the originals have? It seems there are other twists in the .357 mag besides than the standard 1-18. Now we can play around with this a bit since I'm planning on making them on a CNC single point cut rifling machine I'm building, so we'd have a good bit of flexibilty there.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

October 13, 2009

Lol! If everyone was like you, we'd have it made!
Now the 16" barrel really got guy at the tooling place riled up! After clarifying the max length I wanted to do, he was saying something about he was under the impression that "pistol" was like 3-4"....then he started talking about some Batman movie where the Joker pulled out some pistol that was like 2 feet long, lol!

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

October 13, 2009

Thanks Shoot, I did some checking, and looks like the SBR (short barrel rifle) is not a good thing, if using the longer barrel for converting to rifle (ie. buttstock) we want the 16-1/4" version. 😀 Might not hurt to make the pistol version the same thing, as it would allow one to cover both bases.
Sure thing Wayne, we could do that, Aluminum is easy to work with!
Jody, Lol! I love it, I'm the kind of person that goes nuts sitting around doing nothin'. Its a real blessing to be able to have these projects to work on!

November 4, 2008

If you make both barrels and shrouds it would be awesome to have a convertable pistol/ rifle combo. Now that would really push the versatility advantage up to a new level!
I also think that a SS 8" barrel with a slotted V shroud, not HV, would be great for the Model 15-2. It would be very cool in the looks dept and give another balance option for this barrel length!
Just thought I'd put my 2 cents worth in. How about 4" vented heavy with lower shroud end drilled to accept laser sight insert. Don't have any experience with lasers but would be one way to hide it if the shroud is big enough laser could be mounted in rubber for close 25' poa.
think it over!

Range Officers
February 25, 2009

In most states any lenght barrel is legal on a handgun. BUT check your state regs. In NY a handgun can't have a barrel longer than 16". And you can't convert a handgun into a rifle in NY.
Federal law states that a rifle has to have a barrel length of 16" and an overall length of 26".
So the 16 1/4" barrel and shroud wil get the job done.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
~Thomas Jefferson~

October 13, 2009

Great thoughts, thanks guys!!! I like the laser idea, its not something I'm up on, but definately something to check into!!!
Palo, I'm not sure what the slotted portion is on the "V" shroud, is it the vent slots? I can't think of any other slots on it...
Tigger, thanks! That is a good pont there with the State regs!

November 4, 2008

I like that laser idea too, never have used a gun with one, but it definately sounds like it could be done.
The slots as you probably have already realized, are in the shroud, under the vent rib. Check out post #3 in /?page_id=3/members-collections/wdelack-collection/ .
The thought here would be to further reduced the weight of the 8" barrel hanging out there. I really like the balance of the shorter barrels but realy like the sight radius of the 8" barrel. If you slotted the V8 for the 15-2, you would be going where NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE,( sorry, coffee is kicking in), it would be very nice is SS, but the contrast with a stainless barrel showing through those slots on a "blue so deep, I can see my ancestors in it" shroud, would be, well, very nicely contrasted.
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