February 16, 2011

Hello everyone,
A quick question about the 357 Supermag. I recently picked up a DW 357 Supermag. So in cleaning it I went ahead and adjusted the gap to .002 as specified in the DW large frame revolver guide.
I previously had the opportunity of being able to shoot this weapon since I know the former owner (who never paid attention to the b/c gap). It did bind up a quite bit after a few rounds - cleaning the cylinder face and barrel eliminated that of course. I have set it to .002 and am looking for a good balance between reliability and accuracy - what is the maximum gap above and beyond .002 that everyone has used without spitting too much? I ask since .002 seems a little tight and this gun did bind a little previously. I have not yet fired the gun set to .002 - it was probably tighter than that before.

Range Officer

Range Officers
May 2, 2009

February 11, 2010

When you set the gap the feeler gauge should just drag slightly when checked.
It's easy to push cylinder back against spring loaded alignment ball at the rear
of the cylinder and get a false reading. The 357 Max should have a pretty
square cylinder face but you should check gap with all chambers just in case.

July 20, 2009

Definitely get it as tight as possible, I run right around .002 on my 357 magnum. A friend had his 357 running around .010, apparently some one swapped barrels and never checked the gap! He was spraying red hot pieces of lead all over the place, not a pretty sight! Needless to say we fixed that pretty quick.

Range Officer

Range Officers

Dans Club
February 9, 2009

My Monson 357 SM drags very difficult after about 10-rounds at .002, but I have found just stretching it to about .0025+ I can keep shooting it for an afternoon. Each cylinder seems to have its own favorite gap I have found, Once you get to Norwich made guns they seem to get more consistent.
A man cannot have too many SuperMags

February 16, 2011

The wife and I took the 357 Supermag out today and burned through 100 rounds of 357 Maximum goodness. Settled on a gap of .004 – cylinder still binded a little at .002 and .003. .004 was the ticket – very reliable and not too much side blast.
Thanks everyone for the advice. Here is a video of my wife shooting the gun at .004 - a little bit of side blast 🙂
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