I acquired a 715 v8 with serial number S/ 00206x. There is no prefix S/ in the registry bur I seem to recall seeing it before. There is no D after the S. Could it be a very early 715? No box, papers, or tool came with it but it did have a package of small parts that had been replaced, a package of wolff reduced power springs with what I believe are the original springs and a double action lighter than any of my other dans. Also has a polished stainless sideplate and cylinder. Any ideas on when it was made and how it came by the polished parts.Maybe it was factory reconditioned ? Old Dog trying hard to learn.

Dans Club
March 2, 2008

OD, I've been trying hard to learn for years, especially on the S/N stuff. The info we get is often a mixed bag, more confusing than clarifying. Unfortunately, with DW going through some very unsettled times with ownership and location changes, there is nuch we will never KNOW for sure.
Thanks for continuing to ask the questions, every now and again an answer come out of nowhere.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman "Were is the Self Help Section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.
George Carlin


January 24, 2009

From what I have been able to observe so far, this is my working theory;
Like the earlier blued Monson guns, the first stainless ones used the standard 6-digit s/n.
This didn't last long, because I think they realized that they needed to split up the stainless ones from the blued ones on the books (or maybe our all-intrusive government said they had to), so they put an "S" in front of the s/n on the stainless models.
Then a while later, they switched the entire lineup to use a letter ahead of the s/n. D= .357 Mag, E= .357 Maxie, A= .22LR, etc. And as before, an "S" ahead of these letters denotes stainless. I believe they did this because they realized they would soon run out of room on the frame. By using letters specific to calibers, they would effectively have a do-over & have a lot more time before they would run out of room again.



Dans Club
February 22, 2009

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