February 14, 2010
Hello. I have a 722 that will misfire when I shoot it double action. It always fires when shot single action(probably since the hammer stroke is longer when shot single action). When shot double action I will often times get one or two rounds that don't fire. The firing pin strike marks on the cases look pretty light on the ones that don't fire.
I did some researching on this topic a while back and most people recommended replacing the main spring. So I ordered a new main spring from EWK and installed that. Unforuntately it still has the problem. I have also thoroughly cleaned the thing(focusing on the hammer and firing pin areas) numerous times, but that doesn't seem to help either.
What else can I try?
DWF Supporters
Dans Club
November 17, 2008
Just a few thoughts. Have you had the firing pin "out" and cleaned the channel it rides in as well as the spring? Is the firing pin worn? Also how much end play in the cylinder do you have. Check and see if you are reaching full lockup in DA. Has the mainspring seat (the thing the grip screw threads into) backed out some? You may have already looked at all of this but just throwing out ideas. good luck.
Wisdom is merely the realization of how little one knows, therefore I am wise.
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